Foreign Collections By Country |
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Lot 195 |
/o/ Antigua and Barbuda Accumulation, carton with hundreds of new issue glassines mainly from the 1990s containing sets and souvenir sheets, plus interesting group of older material including group of used early 20th Century picture postcards, several covers and 1 used, 7 mint, 17 mint, 31-41 mint, 76 NH, Barbuda 1-11 mint, etc., NH, VF with maybe a few small problems on some earlies. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 196 |
 Australia 1913-46 Unused and used selection of 46 stamps, unused and used selection of 46 stamps comprising 1913-36 Kangaroos unused (13) and used (25) with 1913 10/- unused o.g. (toned spots) and 1918 5/- unused o.g., 1946 B.C.O.F./Japan overprint ½d to 5/- mint and Postage Due 1902-04 5/- unused, fair to Fine. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 197 |
 Austria Cover Stock, 125 covers in Safe album from classic 1850 issue to 1960s, including postal stationery (used telephone cards, postal cards, pneumatic, etc.). Also scarce FDC's, Registered & Express usages, postage due, censored. Also Lombardy-Venetia & Turkey. Estimate 400 - 600
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Lot 198 |
 Bermuda World War II Censored Covers, over 35 covers, retail priced in hard plastic sleeves at over $1,650, which include covers originating in Bermuda and those transiting the island during World War II. Many different origins, which include: France, Switzerland (including a Condemned/Held to 1946 cover), Sweden, Portugal, Brazil, Bohemia-Moravia, Spain. VF group. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 199 |
 British Commonwealth 1903-32 Unused selection, comprising, Great Britain (#179, 222, 268, 274 block of four), Antigua (#67-76), Dominica (#25-34), Jamaica (#75-87), Malta (#45), Montserrat (#75-84), Papua New Guinea (#132-146), Queensland (#6H) and St. Helena (#79-89), a few have slight gum tones. Mainly F.-V.F. Scott $2,200 Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 200 |
/o British North America Maritime Provinces, small collection of British Columbia & Vancouver Is. (included Very Fine used #2 & 6), New Brunswick (including used #1), Nova Scotia (including used #3-4), and Prince Edward Island, about 50 stamps in all plus a small group of Nova Scotia "Specimen" forgeries. Mixed condition. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 201 |
 Canada 1893-1951 Unused collection of approximately 200 stamps, approximately 200 stamps with many issues complete, including 1893 50c, 1908 ½c to 20c, 1911-25 1c to $1 with additional 50c and $1, o.g., some faults or gum stains. Overall F.-V.F. Scott $4,200+ Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 202 |
 Canada 1898 Imperial Penny Postage (85-86), an unused selection of 20 stamps with shades and impressions including marginal block of four with plate number "3" and pairs (2) with plate numbers "1" and "5", nearly all o.g., some faults. Otherwise F.-V.F. Scott $660+ Estimate 150 - 200
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Lot 203 |
 Canada 1935-63 Canada Officials, unused collection of 85 stamps, unused collection of 85 stamps including four hole perfins 1938 Pictorials 10c to $1, 1942-43 War effort 1c to $1, and "O.H.M.S." overprint 1c to $1, o.g., some disturbed and/or gum staining. Otherwise F.-V.F. Scott $960+ Estimate 250 - 300
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Lot 204 |
 Canada squared circle cancellations, comprising approximately 90 items with over 60 covers or cards, primarily Ontario, a number of rarities present such as Coleman, Ont. on 3c and as receiver on 1893 postcard from Stratford, North Sydney, N.S. on 1899 registered cover to Hamilton bearing 2c Maps (3 stamps) + 1c, Sherbrook, Quebec Hammer II on 2c, Blyth, Ont. on 1894 3c stationery envelope to Montreal, Kingston, Canada Hammer II on 2c, and Simcoe, Ont. as receiver on 1895 1c stationery card from Delhi, Fine-Very Fine strikes, representing an ideal nucleus for the collecting of this fascinating field of cancellations. Estimate 6,000 - 8,000
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Lot 205 |
 Cayman Islands 1907-36 Unused selection comprising 1907-08 KEVII 5/- and 10/-, 1932 Centenary ¼p to 10/- and 1935-36 Pictorials ¼p ti 1 (28, 30, 69-80, 85-96), unused selection comprising 1907-08 KEVII 5/- and 10/-, 1932 Centenary ¼p to 10/-, and 1935-36 Pictorials ¼p to 10/-, well centered, good colors, o.g., toned gum in slightly varying degrees only affecting reverse. F.-V.F. Scott $985 Estimate 250 - 300
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Lot 206 |
 Europe an outstanding collection of 19th Century Postal History 1847-71, comprised of approximately 60 covers, replete with unusual usages and rates, including Austria with 1869 folded cover to Vienna bearing Danube Steam Navigation 10kr green cancelled by "Agent/ D.D.S.G./ Sistov" oval h.s. and thimble type d.s. both in blue (Ferchenbauer Cert.), France 1854 envelope from Paris to Chartres bearing Empire 25c milky blue, impressive German States with Baden 1867 folded cover to St. Petersburg bearing 1kr singles (2) and 6kr vertical pair, Bavaria 1861 folded letter registered to Hengersberg bearing 1kr rose vertical strip of three (6kr registration fee paid in cash), 1858 neat mourning envelope from Munich to England bearing 6kr and 18kr and 1872 envelope from Munich to St. Petersburg bearing 1kr singles (2) and 3kr "L" shaped strip of three, Hanover 1866 envelope from Ilfeld to London bearing pin perf. 2gr and 3gr, Oldenburg 1861 2gr (touched) on folded cover to Ellwurden, Saxony 1860 folded letter from Dresden to Watertown, Wisconsin bearing 3ngr and 10ngr, Wurttemberg 1867 folded letter from Stuttgart to Montevideo, Uruguay bearing 1865 6kr, 9kr and 18kr pair (very rare), and 1869 14kr on mourning cover from Stuttgart to New York sent by closed mail on the steamer "China", Italian States with Romagna 1859 local Bologna folded cover bearing ½b pair with one stamp bisected to pay ¾b (3 centesimi) and 1859 folded letter from Argenta to Ferrara bearing 2b diagonal bisect, both ex Alphonse, signed E (milo) D (iena) and with Raybaudi certificates, and Tuscany 1860 mourning envelope from Florence to London bearing 20c and 40c (usual margins), Roumania with 1862 30 par singles (2) on front and back of folded cover registered from Caracal to Bucharest, Serbia with an excellent range of frankings including 1869 (c) registered letter form Kragujevac to Belgrade bearing 20pa pair and single, 1872 registered envelope from Belgrade to Brood bearing 25pa and 40pa and 1874 folded registered cover from Kragujevac to Belgrade bearing 20pa and 50pa singles (2), and Switzerland with 1852 folded "nachnahme" cover from Morges to Pampigny bearing Rayon III 15cts singles (2, originally pair but miscut so that one stamp is huge; Rellstab Cert.), and 1857 envelope from Wädenswil to Mulhouse bearing large margined 40rp (Zumstein # 26C) cancelled by "P.P.", nearly all the covers selected for quality which is overall Very Fine and of a standard to be included in any exhibition collection. Estimate 10,000 - 15,000
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Lot 207 |
/o Europe Collection, four cartons filled with hundreds of mint and used stamps mounted in albums from numerous countries, areas include Germany and East Germany loaded with complete issues, France and Colonies mostly mint with solid Polynesia including Airs complete to 1977 except for one value, powerful F.S.A.T. with Airs complete to 1968, plus many other colonies, Hungary from the 1950s with a number of imperf issues, 1949 U.P.U. collection almost complete NH including Br. Omnibus issue and Berlin set, plus more. Condition generally F-VF. Estimate 4,000 - 5,000
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Lot 208 |
  France New Issues, nearly complete mint NH between years 1975-2004 with Postage, Semi-Postal, Airpost, Booklets, Dues, and Official issues, includes 2 each for years 1975-1982, 1997-2004 and 4 each for years 1983-19969, mostly still in Post Office Philatelic Collection Pages, a few miscellaneous items, VF (Face approx. 26,000Ffr/$4,600 USD). Estimate 2,500 - 3,000
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Lot 209 |
 Germany & Area Cover Stock, 85+ covers, in plastic sleeves, owner priced at over 2,700 Euros, covering all periods and areas, including Inflation, Third Reich, Military Censored, stampless, postal stationery, etc. Gen. clean & interesting group, many with high Michel evaluations. Estimate 400 - 600
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Lot 210 |
/ Ghana, Hong Kong & Mauritius Air Letter Sheet Error Collection, interesting group of ten mint & used 1964-67 aerogrammes, as follows: Ghana (6) H&G FG9 mint (unlisted black & red colors omitted), H&G FG9 mint (unlisted blue & yellow colors omitted), FG9 mint (unlisted blue & yellow colors omitted), FG9b mint & used copies (green color omitted), FG9e used (white simulated perfs omitted). Hong Kong (1) H&G 11 mint (unlisted blue color omitted). Mauritius (3) H&G 5 Mint Unlisted varieties: no 35c imprint, 35c imprint shifted up 17mm over top flap & blue color omitted on front and back. Very fine & beautiful array of these attractive errors, collected over 40 years. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 211 |
o Great Britain 1840 1d Penny Black Reconstruction (1), difficult to assemble complete collection of all 240 different Check Letter positions, also two singles on partial folded letter, most stamps are identified by plate, though not always correctly (we only agreed with two of the 11 stamps that were marked plate 11), catalog value is based on the most common plate, overall condition is mixed, but there are at least 40 four margin copies, generally Fine. Scott $62,920 Estimate 10,000 - 15,000
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Lot 212 |
o/ Great Britain 1841 2d Red Brown Collection (3), complete collection of all 240 different Check Letters positions, plus three on cover and at least 150 duplicates, overall condition is mixed, but still some four margin copies, generally Fine. Scott $6,900+ Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 213 |
o Great Britain 1856 1d Rose Assortment (20), complete reconstructed sheet of 240 stamps, fresh and much better than the usually seen, generally Fine or better centering (Scott $4,080). Estimate 400 - 600
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Lot 214 |
 / Great Britain Stamp & Cover New Issues, two nearly complete mint NH collections between the years 1970 (July) and 2004 with definitives, commemoratives, dues, regional issues (Face £1,600) and 900+ matching F.D.C's., plus 27 booklets (Face £50), various Presentation Packs, 8 Royal Mail Presentation Year books 1985-88 (2 ea.), etc., many items unopened, fresh and generally VF. Estimate 2,000 - 2,500
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Lot 215 |
/ Great Britain & Area Specialized AirLetter/Aerogramme Collection, over 730 mint, used & FDC aerogrammes, mounted on thick paper (some with multiple copies) in a large box. All identified on reverse by H&G, Kessler or Greiner catalog numbers, with many valued at $50-$100 each, and a few over $150 each. F-VF specialized collection, with lots of minor varieties, many illustrated & with topical interest, includes over 560 from Great Britain. Also includes Guernsey (36), Jersey (50) & Isle of Man (92) issues. Collector valued (rather optimistically) at over $10,000. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 216 |
  Hungary Air Mails of Hungary, mounted exhibit balance comprising 18 covers or post cards, including four Pioneer Aviation Competitions and Exhibitions (1910-1917), 1923 Oct. 6 Survey flight by Oesterreichischen Luft. AG, 1931 Aug. 15 First Flight Budapest-Venice (two), 1936 May 18 Glider Flights (two), and the 1931 Mar. 28-30 Hungary Zeppelin Flights (Sieger No. 101, eight) with six of the covers bearign the 1931 Zeppelin issue (four bearing both values); Fine to Very Fine. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 217 |
/ India - Specialized Air Letter/Aerogramme Collection, 300+ mint and used aerogrammes, mounted on thick paper (some with multiple copies), all identified on reverse by H&G, Kessler or other catalog numbers. Wide variety of usages, some with additional frankings. Valued by owner over $2,000. Gen. VF. Estimate 400 - 600
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Lot 218 |
  Israel Collection, 1948-1989, mounted and unmounted mostly tab collection in White Ace albums and 1975-89 issues still in agency new issue packages. Many better tabs sets including 1-6, 10-14, 17-25, 28-30, 33-34, 55 and C1-6, condition F-VF or better with listed tab sets NH as is almost everything else. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 219 |
/ Israel Specialized Air Letter/Aerogramme Collection, 230+ mint and used aerogrammes, most mounted on thick paper (some with multiple copies) in a binder, all identified on reverse by H&G, Kessler or Greiner catalog numbers. Also envelope with 15 scarce Errors (Double Printing, No Imprint, No Borders or Printing). Another envelope with miscellaneous. & another with unfolded lettersheets. Also includes two scarce Sinai military lettersheets. F-VF specialized collection, with lots of minor varieties & usages. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 220 |
 Israel Comprehensive Jewish National Fund collection, one man's lifetime collection of these interesting issues housed in 60 volumes plus extras. Included are normal issues from the head office and many scarce examples of foreign issues including Poland, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Canada, etc., as well as special issues for High Holidays, Purim, etc. There is a specialized volume of the first design of 1898 as well as one dedicated to the first Diaspora Issue. In addition to the stamps there are dozens of booklets, tags, an entire large volume of pins, some proofs and errors, postcards, a sheet file and almost 500 covers. Most are identified by the official Rochlin catalogue numbers. A two volume Rochlin catalogue is also included. This collection is by far the largest we have seen of these issues. It contains numerous $50 and up retail pieces. Estimate 10,000 - 15,000
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Lot 221 |
/ Latin America Postal History, 75+ covers and postal stationery, in hard plastic sleeves & owner priced at over $2,300. Primarily from Mexico, Central and South America, but includes some Caribbean islands as well. Several WWII censored covers are included, including some scarce censored cards, a couple of which are Registered. Several 19th century issues are included, as well as some interesting Dead Letter Office covers from Mexico with official seals. F-VF clean collection. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 222 |
P Liberia Fabulous collection of proofs, 1903-18, comprising 1903 3c die proofs (5) and imperf plate proofs blocks of four (7) and single in various colors on thin or card paper, 1906 1c die proof in issued colors and imperf color proofs in blocks of four (8) for values to $5, die proofs (5) for 15c (frame only), 25c (2), 30c and 50c (perforated in miniature sheet form) and plate proof of 5c center in block of four, 1909-12 Officials die proofs (4) for 15c, 25c, 50c and 75c initialed "OS" and annotated, and 1918 die proofs (4) for $1, $2 (2, different colors) and $5 (black); F-VF. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 223 |
/o Mauritius Collection, 1848-1990s, valuable collection on album pages and in a stockbook. Lots of early material including 1d intermediate impression (Scott 5a, one unused & two used); 2d intermediate impression (6a, two used), also including (used unless noted) #9 (2), 11, 14Bd, 15 (2d "Sherwin", 1996 B.P.A. certificate), 16 (unused, 1984 Friedl certificate), 16a, and 19 (unused). Later material includes lots of $25-&-up stamps. Condition is mixed; most of the best stamps have faults or repairs but look nice. Later generally F-VF. Stockbook includes modern mint sets, most of which are missing from the album pages. Also, there is a small collection of about 35 different QV Revenues. Scott value is over $40,000. Estimate 3,000 - 4,000
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Lot 224 |
/o Mauritius, 19th Century Collection, about 130 stamps in a stockbook including more than 70 classic imperfs. Highlights include 1848 two 1d orange early impression (Scott #5), one unused (1937 R.P.S. certificate) and one used, plus six intermediate impressions (5a); two 2d blue intermediate impressions (6a); 11 x 1859 2d "Lapirot" (14c-d) intermediate to worn impressions; single and pair 1859 2d "Sherwin" (15), etc. As usual, there are condition problems on most of the classics, like thins or repairs, though many have four margins and are quite attractive. The later material is somewhat mixed but generally F-VF. Scott value is over $80,000. Estimate 5,000 - 7,500
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Lot 225 |
o Mauritius Town Cancels, collection of about 800 stamps with cancels from 67 different towns from Argy to Verdun including various types of numerals and c.d.s.s, as well as G.P.O., service and auxiliary markings. The great majority of the stamps are pre-1920 but some are as late as the 1950s. Condition is a little mixed but is generally F-VF. A very nice lot. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 226 |
 Mauritius Postal Stationery, collection of about 125 postal cards (including paid reply), envelopes (including registered) and wrappers, more than 70% used, much of which was purchased as individual auction lots, many for as much as $200 and more. Includes several nice mint QV envelopes including the rare 1891 50¢ on 8¢ provisional (H&G B15). Also lots of nice usages, among them 1885 6¢ postal card to Brazil, 1888 25¢ envelope to Turkey, 1889 6¢ postal card to Russia, 1894 8¢ registered envelope to Nova Scotia, etc., etc. Condition is generally F-VF. An excellent lot. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
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Lot 227 |
 Mauritius Postal History, collection of about 70 covers, 1830s-1950s including ten stampless. No imperforates but stamped covers include 1865 2d + 4d (2) to Switzerland, 1869 1sh (2) on large part of cover to France, 1872 9d + 1d to Ireland, 1876 2d + 4d (3) to Italy, etc., etc. Most purchased as individual lots, many with certificates and a good number of which cost the owner over $100 each (as high as $750). Condition is generally F-VF. A very nice group of this seldom seen material. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
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Lot 228 |
/o Mauritius, Selection of better material only, mostly still on original dealer/auction pages as purchased. Includes reprint proofs of the 1848 issues, black die proofs of the 1860-72 lithographs, imprimaturs, specimens, better stamps including a Very Fine used 1d early impression (Scott #5, S.G. 7) with a 1991 A.P.S. certificate, Mauritius used in Seychelles, etc., etc., generally F-VF. A fabulous lot for which the owner's costs total more than $25,000. Estimate 7,500 - 10,000
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Lot 229 |
 Mexico Group of over 50 covers, 1836-81, group of over 50 covers comprising pre-stamp or unfranked (25) with a fine range of town markings and handstruck rates, stamped covers (26) comprise 1856 issue (7, all 2r single frankings), 1861 issue (7) with 1r and 2r single frankings, 1864-66 issue (3, all 2r single frankings), 1868 issue (7) with imperf 12c pair and 12c & 25c and 1874-81 issues (6), also 1879 postcard and 1914 cover, a few faults, mainly F-VF. Estimate 400 - 600
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Lot 230 |
/o Newfoundland Pence Issues, collection/accumulation of about 80 stamps on album pages and stocksheets. Highlights include mint/unused #5, 8 (3), 11 (4, including line through "2s" variety, used #1 (2), 3 (2), 8, 11, 13 (large margins, slight thins), 6d bisect #20a tied on small piece (looks genuine but not counted) etc. Also includes several mint blocks of 4 like #1 (no gum), 12A, 15A and 19 and an interesting group of about 65 identified forgeries (no Sperati). Condition varies from small faults to XF. An excellent lot overall. Scott $8,200 ++
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Lot 231 |
/o Newfoundland collection, 1865-1947, comprehensive specialized collection of several hundred stamps on small stock cards including mint singles of nearly every stamp for the period plus mint blocks (including #26, 30, 52, 59, 75 (both spacings in same block), 123 block of 6, etc.), used singles and blocks, lots of specialist varieties (like 92ii), s-o-n cancels and much, much more. condition is a little mixed but the vast majority is F-VF with a good bit of NH. A really terrific lot so allow plenty of time for viewing. Estimate 6,000 - 8,000
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Lot 232 |
P Newfoundland Plate proof selection (24P4//96TC), 29 mostly different items including 1865-94 issue (one of each value); 12¢ 28P3 block of 6; 1¢ #32TC (six dii colors); 2¢ 1908 #86 (two pairs and a block plus a block of ABNco. specimens), 12¢ Guy Issue 96TC (5 different on stamp paper), etc. Also includes 5¢ black #26S with "Specimen" overprint (Samuel NF1); F-VF and scarce group. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 233 |
 Newfoundland Stampless Covers, selection of 13 stampless covers, most still in retail sleeves or on auction pages, usages range from a red Crown Circle on 1846 folded letter, St. John’s to England to an 1860 folded letter from Carbonear to Harbour Grace and an 1864 folded letter from St. John’s to New York via Boston; condition is a little mixed but generally F-VF. Useful lot. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 234 |
 Newfoundland Postal History, marvelous collection of about 250 covers from the 1870s to the 1930s housed in two stockbooks. Starts with two 12¢ #29 covers and a 3¢ #33, then runs through a wide range of frankings from all issues including high values, group of town cancels on the 1890 3¢ #60, 10 single frankings of the 1897 1¢ on 3¢ #75, advertising, unauthorized bisects, airmails, postage dues, etc., etc. Condition is a little mixed but is generally F-VF. A truly outstanding lot with very little "ordinary" material. Estimate 2,500 - 3,500
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Lot 235 |
 Newfoundland Postal Stationery and Picture Postcards, etc., collection of about 80 pieces of mint and used postal stationery and about 30-35 pre-1915 picture postcards used from Newfoundland, also some Newfoundland collateral like shipping line menus, railroad schedules, tourist propaganda cards, a small selection of postage stamps used as revenues, etc. A fascinating and desirable lot that took many years to assemble. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 236 |
/ Pakistan & Bangladesh Covers & Aerogrammes, 90+ in binder, starting with PAKISTAN overprints on India, and many transitional Bangladesh covers with various types of Overprints on envelopes to Red Cross & covers. Also many mint and used Air Letter Sheets from Pakistan. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 237 |
/o Portugal Collection, 1853-1946, about 600 predominately used stamps mounted on Scott pages, good showing of 19th Century with many King Pedro & Luiz issues, 20th Century slightly strong mint with both mint and used, useful back of the book, condition somewhat mixed with small faults present mainly among earlies, generally Fine or better. Estimate 150 - 200
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Lot 238 |
 Russia Postal History Collection, 1872-1967, very interesting group of over 75 covers & postal stationery, neatly arranged on black & clear Vario pages in a binder. Most usages are up to the revolution, and many have detailed descriptions. Many censored markings and wax seal censors. Generally F-VF, worthy of expansion. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 239 |
S  St. Helena 1884-1937 collection of "Specimen" overprints, selection of 50 stamps with sets, including 1884-94 local handstamps (7), 1903 KEVII ½d to 2s with Samuel SH2 overprint (two sets, one with additional foreign postal agency cancelled marking), 1908 KEVII 2½d to 10s with similar "Specimen" type, and 1922-37 high values (both watermarks) to £1, mainly F-VF. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 240 |
 St. Helena 1900-19, group of two envelopes and four postcards, group of two envelopes and four postcards, including Boer War with Broad Bottom Camp to Bulgaria, 1901 P.O.W. cover with eight-color franking, 1902 postcard with Garrison Office oval datestamp signed by General P.A. Cronje, 1901 P.O.W. card bearing 1884-89 1d red with major re-entry (position 176) and 1912-16 2s on "Wilson" cover, F-VF. Estimate 1,000 - 1,200
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Lot 241 |
/o Sarawak 1875-1965, mainly unused selection, mainly unused selection, including 1875 12c imperf plate proof pair printed on both sides, 1892 1c on 3c no stop after "cent" variety in block of six NH, 1889 2c on 8c with "c" omitted and another with surcharge double, 1891 5c on 12c with "c" omitted unused and used, 1895 2c brown red imperf sheet of 60, 1932 1c to $1 perf "Specimen", 1946 (May 18) 8c to $1 imperf pairs, 1965 6c imperf pairs and Japanese Occupation 1942 (Oct.) $1 and $2, a few minor faults, F-VF. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
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Lot 242 |
 Saudi Arabia Group, over 150 covers in cover album and on black Vario pages in a binder, with many unusual frankings and usages, with some unusual cancels, some of which being scarce. Most items are from the Kingdom era, including many with Tughra issues (Scott 159-70) and definitives of later issues. A few earlier covers noted. Generally very fine and not often seen in this nice condition. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 243 |
 Scandinavia Cover Accumulation, retired dealer stock of about 100 covers, and a few used blocks, all in hard plastic sleeves, most are priced (except group of approximately 35, incl. 20 Finland FDcs from 1940s-50s. Wide range of uses, including Censored, and postal stationery. Nice group of Iceland, including U.S. APos & Censored. Also Denmark used in Faroe Islands. Owner priced at over $1,900. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 244 |
 South West Africa The fine specialized collection of Allied Forces from 1914 (18 Sept.) - 1915 (9 July), Fine specialized collection, comprising 18 envelopes, 14 postcards, 2 coupons, telegram, and 6 photo cards or photographs, including 1914 (25 Aug.) letter from Colonel Vaughan of the B.S.A. Police at Victoria Falls about the pending military action against German South West Africa, fine range of A.P.O., F.P.O., and censor markings with 1915 (9 Jan.) "On Active Service" card from Walfish Bay to Kimberly with "Army Base P.O./6" skeleton date stamp, censored Postage Free handstamp and handstruck "Rand Rifles", 1915 (6 Feb.) "On Active Service" registered censored envelope to Rosenbank bearing South Africa 4d cancelled by "Army Base P.O./6" double-ring date stamp and similar envelope (6 Mar.) to Claremont bearing 6d cancelled by "Army Base P.O./4A" double-ring date stamp, 1915 (12 Feb.) viewcard from Swakopmund from a soldier of the First Rhodesian Regiment Army Base P.O.6 to Hampton and viewcard from the same regiment to India, 1915 (3 Apr.) official Post Office Savings envelope to Cape Town with skeleton "5" double-ring date stamp (Walfish Bay), 1915 (17 Apr.) "On Active Service" envelope to U.S.A. bearing 1d strip of six cancelled by skeleton "5" date stamp, 1915 (24 Apr.) "On Active Service" censored card from Bethanien to Kimberly showing framed "31" date stamp (Aus) in blue and 1915 (18 May) similar card from a member of the 1st Division Railway Regiment of the Southern Force to Paarl showing framed "37" date stamp in blue, 1915 (9 July) censored envelope to a German P.O.W. in Kimberly bearing 1d cancelled by framed "44" date stamp (Okahandja), 1915 (12 May) philatelic envelope bearing South Africa values (22) to 6d cancelled by "Windhuk/Deutsch-/Südwestafrika/c" c.d.s., and 1915 (5 July) Union of South Africa telegram from Cape Town to Hälbich showing "Karibib/Deutsch-/Südwestafrika" c.d.s., Fine to Very Fine. Estimate 7,500 - 10,000
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