U.S. Officials - Cancellations By Department |
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Lot 949 |
o Agriculture Dept., 1873, 6¢ yellow (O4), very fine centering with large margins, perfectly struck magenta target. Faint vertical crease at left. Otherwise Extremely Fine. Gem strike with sharp color contrast. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 950 |
o Agriculture Dept., 1873, 6¢ yellow (O4), clear strike of blue mask cancellation, large margins. Couple small faults. Very Fine appearance. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 951 |
o Agriculture Dept. red cancellations, four comprising 1¢ 2¢ 3¢ and 12¢ (O1-3, O6), each bearing a red cancellation. 3¢ faulty. F.-V.F. Vivid color contrast. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 952 |
o Agriculture Dept., 1873, 3¢ yellow (O3), two, each cancelled with different negative year date of "80" and "83". First with couple minor faults. F.-V.F. Estimate 150 - 200
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Lot 953 |
o Agriculture Dept., 1873, 3¢ and 15¢ values (O3, O7), 3¢ cancelled by an unusual blue "R.M.S" Nov 9, 1880 postmark and 15¢ with blue Jun 27, 1878 favor cancel. F.-V.F. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 954 |
o Agriculture Dept. R.P.O. postmarks, four, each with strike of a different railroad post office postmark, includes "Mad. Div. C & N.W. R.R." c.d.s. (Towle 838-A-1) and blue B & O railroad. F.-V.F. group. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 955 |
o Agriculture Dept. cancels, small group of six better strikes comprising 2¢ with Washington D.C. violet, 3¢ with star in barred oval, 3¢ with blue "US", 3¢ with incised star, 3¢ with N.Y. "32" in barred oval, 3¢ soft paper with Casio, Ca. oval datestamp, 6¢ with geometric radial, and 6¢ with Chicago 3rd class oval. Minor faults. Very Fine group. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 956 |
o Agriculture Dept. cancels, group of 29 comprising 2¢-12¢ (O2-O6) values with all-different cancels, including color cancels, geometrics, a wheel of fortune, targets; numbers by denomination are two 2¢ seventeen 3¢ seven 6¢ one 10¢ and two 12¢. Few small faults. F.-V.F. group. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 957 |
o Agriculture Dept. letter cancels, group of six on 3¢ Agriculture stamps, cancels comprise a positive "G", negative "W" and "OR", and positive "F", "H", and "R" in circles. Minor faults. F.-V.F. Superior strikes. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 958 |
o Agriculture Dept. postmarks, 19 different circular datestamps and straightline postmarks, better include Canon City Col., South Britain Conn., Chambersburg Ill., Amity Ia., Traverse City Mich., blue Ellensburg Ore., Strawberry Plains Tn., Janesville Wisc., and Snake Prairie Tex. Few minor faults. F.-V.F. Rare group that would be very difficult to duplicate. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 959 |
o Agriculture Dept. fancy cancels, selection of 24 different cancellations, better include circled heart, geometrics, molded iron cross, St. Louis propellor, magenta six-blade fan, New Orleans tree, and honey comb in purple and black. Few small faults. F.-V.F. Many bold strikes. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 960 |
o Agriculture Dept. numeral and letter cancellations, selection of 44 different cancellations, ranging from standardized ellipses to carved corks, better include 2¢ with New York station "E" oval, Boston negative "2", negative "F", positive "A" and circle "R", circled intertwined "US" in blue and purple, circle "Paid 3", two different "OK", negative initials "HB" in blue and "FT". Few small faults. F.-V.F. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 961 |
o Executive Dept., 1873, 3¢ violet rose (O12a), violet rose shade, cancelled by Washington, D.C. leaf, sharp strike. Single clipped perf at top. Otherwise Fine. Rare Executive pictorial cancel. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 962 |
o Executive Dept., 1873, 3¢ violet rose (O12a), violet rose shade, very fine centering, cancelled by blue Washington, D.C. receiver dated March 1876. Couple nibbed perfs at right. Otherwise Very Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 963 |
o Executive Dept., 1873, 2¢ & 3¢ values (O11, O12), 2¢ with Washington, D.C. Indigo quartered circle, vivid color; 3¢ violet rose with Washington D.C. third class oval. Trivial faults. Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 964 |
o Executive Dept. cancels, group of ten comprising 1¢-10¢ (O10-O14) values, complete set, cancels include various Washington, D.C. geometrics and the 1879 violet. Small faults. F.-V.F., difficult group to assemble. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 965 |
o Interior Dept., 1873, 1¢ vermilion (O15), bold strike of Washington, D.C. "Palmer & Clark" machine cancellation. Very Fine with large margins. Rare example of the experimental machine cancellation. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 966 |
o Interior Dept., 1873, 6¢ vermilion (O18), bold New Orleans geometric cancellation. Extremely Fine. Exceptional example with large margins, bright color, and choice strike. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 967 |
o Interior Dept., 1873, 6¢ and 15¢ values (O18, O21), very fine centering, each cancelled by different mask cancel. Very Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 968 |
o Interior Dept., 1873, 12¢ vermilion (O20), bold strike of Traverse City, Michigan "Used Up" cancellation. Faint crease. F.-V.F. appearance, a rare cancel. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 969 |
 Interior Dept., 1873, 15¢ vermilion (O21), clear strike of man's head cancellation, Fine and rare fancy design. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 970 |
o Interior Dept., 1879, 3¢ vermilion (O98), cancelled by bold strike of Cross Eyes cancellation. Minor faults. Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 971 |
o Interior Dept., 1879, 3¢ vermilion (O98), cancelled by clear "Montreal Canada" duplex c.d.s. Very Fine. Rare example used from Canada most likely on a prefranked Census Bureau reply envelope. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 972 |
o Interior Dept. cancels, group of five items comprising an O15 strip of four cancelled by Washington, D.C. registry cancellations, O98 with a blue "Suisse" merchant receiver, O18 with a triangle geometric, O21 with a large "US", and O22 with a purple Reed City c.d.s. Some minor faults. F.-V.F. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 973 |
o Interior Dept., 1873-79, 2¢ vermilion (O16, O97), group of fourteen different cancellations with very fine strikes, cancels include bold strike of skull and crossbones, blue "order filled" favor cancel, cross, red cancel, and "10" ratemarker. Few small faults. Very Fine appearance. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 974 |
o Interior Dept., 1873-79, 2¢ cancellations (O16, O97), group of approximately 170 stamps, better cancellations include penalty overprint, postive "B" in a star, blue shield, Washington, D.C. reds, bold New Orleans geometric, Fall River masonic, etc., Fine to Very Fine group of cancellations. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 975 |
o Interior Dept. cancels, selection of 71 different cancellations on various denominations up to the 30¢ better include 30¢ with N.Y. Roman numeral "XI", bottle stopper "3" in shape of an E, negative initials, iron cross with Greenville Mercer Co. Pa c.d.s. on piece, Chicago carrier c.d.s., blue Carroll, Md. double-circle datestamp, 3¢ with double perfs from foldover, Due 3 and Paid 3, New Orleans geometric, and negative "OK". Few small faults. F.-V.F. group. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 976 |
o Interior Dept. cancels, group of ninety-one with various cancels including negative and positive letters, stars, crosses, colors, geometrics, "POD", and the Denver negative "M". Few minor faults. F.-V.F. appearance. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 977 |
o Justice Dept., 1873, 30¢ purple (O33), bold strike of a negative "M.P.O." cancellation, presumed to abbreviate Main Post Office and used in New York. Fine. one of only two recorded examples of this cancellation. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 978 |
o Justice Dept., 1879, 6¢ bluish purple (O107), excellent centering within large margins, deep bluish purple color, vivid blue "2" within four rings cancellation. Trivial light crease. Extremely Fine gem. Scott $190
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Lot 979 |
o Justice Dept., New Orleans cancellations, selection of eight different New Orleans geometric cancellations on denominations up to the 90¢ a few exceptional designs and strikes. Trivial faults including 90¢. F.-V.F. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 980 |
o Justice Dept., Chicago blue cancellations, selection of nine different comprising two crosses, boxed grid, pentogram star, masonic compass, and various grids. Couple small faults. F.-V.F. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 981 |
o Justice Dept., 1873-79, 6¢ purple (O28, O106), selection of 11 different cancellations, comprising circled star, six-section leaf, Washington D.C. snowflake and purple quartered cork, Denver Col. "M", Boston negative "2", two Chicago blues, blue "2", circular geometric, and a large margined soft paper example with a positive "H" cancellation. Small faults including the O106. F.-V.F. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 982 |
o Justice Dept. cancels, group of fifteen with all values except the 10¢ various cancels including Chicago boxed geometric, 3¢ with vivid red cancel, 6¢ with blue octopus-like cancel, and 24¢ with violet Washington D.C. cancel. Small faults. F.-V.F. group. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 983 |
o Justice Dept. cancels, selection of 48 and one stamp on piece, better cancellations include 30¢ with Washington, D.C. circled star in Indigo, incised star, two Pittsburgh gears, cut bottle stopper "3", Washington D.C. piece with rimless c.d.s. in Indigo, reverse "US", and negative blue star. Few small faults. F.-V.F. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 984 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 1¢ ultramarine (O35), exceptional centering, bold partial strike of "New York Steamship" cancellation. Extremely Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
Expertization: 2001 P.S.E. Certificate.
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Lot 985 |
o Navy Dept., N.Y. Steamship cancellations, three, 1¢ 2¢ and 10¢ Navy (O35, O36, O40) each bearing strikes of the "N.Y. Steamship" cancellation used on incoming steamship letters. 2¢ faulty. F.-V.F. Rare group. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 986 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 2¢ ultramarine (O36), two copies with one cancelled by vivid red Washington, D.C. cork, and the other by "New York Steamship Nov 20" c.d.s. First has a minor thin. F.-V.F. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 987 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 3¢ ultramarine (O37), cancelled by partial strike of elephant cork cancel, very fine centering. Small internal tear. Otherwise Very Fine. Rare pictorial fancy cancel. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 988 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 6¢ ultramarine (O38), bold strike of mask cancellation, exceptional centering. Couple trivial faults. Extremely Fine appearance. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 989 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 6¢ ultramarine (O38), blue 1879 Philadelphia Navy Yard favor cancellation, exceptionally well centered. Extremely Fine and choice. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 990 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 7¢ and 30¢ values (O39, O44), each cancelled by partial strikes of blue "Secretary of the Navy" favor cancels. F.-V.F. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 991 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 30¢ ultramarine (O44), two, first with exceptional strike of double star cancellation and second with triple star cancellation. F.-V.F. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 992 |
o Navy Dept., 1873, 90¢ ultramarine (O45), clear strike of N.Y.P.O. ellipse cancellation. Small tear at left. Fine. one of only four recorded examples and the only on a 90¢ Navy. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 993 |
o Navy Dept., Triple Star cancellations, six, 3¢ 6¢ 12¢ 15¢ 24¢ and 30¢ (O37-38, O41-44) with matching strikes of triple star cancellation, exceptional strikes on several. Few trivial faults. F.-V.F. group. Scarce cancellation. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 994 |
o Navy Dept. cancels, small group of six comprising O36 cancelled by a N.Y. City Delivery Station D postmark, O36 cancelled by a German transit marking, O37 and O38 cancelled by N.Y. negative "A" cancels, O38 cancelled by a Warrington, Fla. c.d.s., and O41 cancelled by a N.Y. postive "2" cancel. Small faults with 12¢ missing lower left corner. Otherwise F.-V.F. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 995 |
o Navy Dept. cancels, selection of 18 mostly different, better include 2¢ and 3¢ with New Orleans geometrics, 2¢ with N.Y. foreign mail oval, 1¢ and 3¢ with "New York Steamship", and 30¢ with blue "Secretary" favor. Few minor faults. F.-V.F. group. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 996 |
o Navy Dept. cancels, large group of fifty-eight including fancy stars, a triangle, geometrics, numerals, and color cancels including violet, blue, and red. Minor faults. F.-V.F. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 997 |
o Post Office Dept., 1873, 1¢ black (O47), bold strike of Waterbury veined leaf cancellation. Fine. Rare cancellation on Official stamps. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 998 |
o Post Office Dept., 1873, 2¢ black (O48), fine strike of red N.Y.F.M. type ST-MP3 cancellation, reperfed at right, Fine and very rare cancellation. Estimate 200 - 300
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