United States General Post Office (1792-1799) |
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Lot 293 |
1792 (Mar. 15) London England to Philadelphia Pa. via New York, datelined folded letter endorsed "Via New York" and carried by private ship to New York City, entered post with "N*York.June 3" straightline handstamp and manuscript "Sh 14" rating, Very Fine, rated 10 cents for 60-100 miles from New York to Philadelphia plus the 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 4,000 - 5,000
The letter is postmarked in New York two days after the initiation of the United States Post Office Department on June 1, 1792.
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Lot 294 |
1792 (May 9) Copenhagen Denmark to Providence R.I. via London and Philadelphia, datelined folded letter received in London with "JU 6 '92" c.d.s. and red circled "POST / PAID" handstamp, red manuscript "1N" rating, carried via ship to Philadelphia where entered the post with manuscript "17" rating, docketed "recd Augt -7-", Very Fine, prepaid the 1 shilling packet fee for transatlantic passage, rated the 17 cent rate for 200-250 miles from Philadelphia to Providence. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 295 |
1792 (Jun. 13) New Orleans, Spanish Louisiana to Philadelphia Pa., folded letter with "New Orleans" dateline, carried by private ship to Philadelphia, entered the post with large handstamped "4" rating; separation and tiny stain, Fine, the 4 cent ship fee delivered to port of arrival. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 296 |
1792 (Aug. 16) New Bedford Ms. to Marblehead Ms., folded letter with "Collector's Office Port of New Bedford" dateline, bearing perfectly struck "NEW BEDFORD AUGUST," straightline postmark with manuscript day "20th" and "10" rating; lightly toned, Very Fine, the 10 cent rate for 60-100 miles. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
Provenance: Jarrett
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Lot 297 |
1792 (Sep. 16) Marietta Northwest Territory to Providence R.I. via Boston, folded letter with "Marietta" dateline, carried privately to Boston, entered the mails with "BOSTON" straightline postmark and matching "21 / OC" Franklin mark, manuscript "8" rating, minor toning and missing outside of top flap, Fine, the 8 cent rate for 30-60 miles from Boston to Providence. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 298 |
1793 (c.) Paris France to Philadelphia Pa. via Boston, folded letter with Paris dateline on part-printed form in French from the Bureau des Officiers Militaire addressed to "Consul de la République a Philadelphie", endorsed "Par Lorient", perfect strike of "Comon. de la marine / et des Colonies" handstamp in bright red, carried by ship to Boston, entered mails with "BOSTON" straightline with matching "4 AP" Franklin mark and manuscript "Sh 24" rating, tiny edge tear, small portion of letter removed, Very Fine, the 20 cent rate from Boston to Philadelphia plus the 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 299 |
1793 (Jan. 19) London England to Boston Ms. via Portland, folded cover with content docketing, carried by private ship to Portland Maine, handled by forwarder and endorsed "Forwarded by…Tho. Hodges" on reverse, entered post with boldly struck "PORTLAND april 27" straightline postmark and manuscript "Sh 29" rating, Extremely Fine, double the 12½ cent rate for 100-150 miles plus the 4 cent ship letter fee. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
Provenance: Jarrett
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Lot 300 |
1793 (Jan. 20) Guadalupe to Newburyport Ms. via Gloucester, folded letter with "Point Petre" dateline, bearing manuscript "Gloucester March 4th" postmark and matching "Sh 12" rating, sender's endorsement reads "Favrd by Capt Foster…Gloucester", Very Fine, the 8 cent rate for 30-60 miles plus 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 301 |
1793 (Mar. 4) Philadelphia Pa. to Newbury, Ms., datelined folded letter concerning business matters, bearing Philadelphia "4 / MR" Franklin mark and "88" rating with "1 oz," notation, Very Fine, four-times the 22 cent rate for 350-450 miles. Estimate 4,000 - 5,000
This cover was mailed on the day and within a few hundred feet of Washington's Second Inauguration in Philadelphia.
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Lot 302 |
1793 (Jun. 6) Knoxville, Southwest Territory to Frankfurt Ky., folded cover originating in Knoxville, the capital of Southwest Territory, endorsed "via Hawkins court post", traveling 65 miles to Hawkins (now Rogersville Tenn.) by Roulston's semi-official post, entered U.S. post with manuscript "Hawkins" postmark with "34 cts." rating and matching "(8 June)" date, traveled 165 miles to Danville following the Wilderness Road, and then on to Frankfurt, minor edge faults, Fine, double the 17 cent rate for 200-250 miles. Estimate 7,500 - 10,000
The original letter is located in an archive and datelined Knoxville June 6, 1793.
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Lot 303 |
1793 (Aug. 9) Alexandria Va. to Baltimore Md., datelined folded letter written in French and addressed to the "Vice Consul of the french Republic", bearing very fine strike of "ALEX Aug 9" straightline postmark and manuscript "8" rating, Extremely Fine, the 8 cent rate 30-60 miles. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 304 |
1793 (Aug. 16) Gloucester Ms. to Boston Ms., datelined folded letter bearing "GLOCESTER.AU.16" straightline postmark and manuscript "8" rating, Very Fine, the 8 cent rate for 30-60 miles. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
Note the incorrectly spelled city name in this type-set postmark.
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Lot 305 |
1793 (Aug. 22) Wilmington Del. to Boston Ms., datelined folded letter bearing "WILMINGTON * D" straightline postmark with manuscript "Augt. 27" date and "20" rating, letter written in French, Extremely Fine, the 20 cent rate for 250-350 miles. Estimate 300 - 400
Provenance: Jarrett
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Lot 306 |
1793 (Nov. 13) Philadelphia Pa. to Boston Ms., ALS, datelined folded letter bearing "free H Knox" free frank endorsement of Henry Knox as Secretary of War, addressed to Colonel Winthrop Sargent, Philadelphia "13 / NO" Franklin mark and matching "FREE" handstamp; discolored, Fine. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 307 |
1793 (Nov. 29) Albany N.Y. to Chenango, N.Y., folded letter with date, bearing "ALBANY, NOV.27" straightline postmark with matching double-lined circled "PAID" handstamp and manuscript "Way 8" rating; cover repaired, Fine, the 8 cent rate for 30-60 miles plus 2 cent way fee. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
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Lot 308 |
1794 (Aug. 27) Charleston S.C. to Philadelphia Pa., datelined folded letter endorsed "favoured by Capt. Grant", carried by coastal ship to Philadelphia where entering mails with "4" rating handstamp, Very Fine, the 4 cent ship letter fee for delivery at port of arrival. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 309 |
1794 (Oct. 7) Carlisle Pa. To Philadelphia Pa., folded letter with "Camp near Carlisle" dateline, bearing manuscript "12 2" rating; minor tape reinforcement, Very Fine, the 12½ cent rate for distances of 100-150. Estimate 4,000 - 5,000
Letter from a soldier on the march to quell the Whiskey Rebellion. The letter says in part: "…I can now state facts more justly being on the spot - As to the Insurgent who was killed - his language was so abusive previous to any violence being used to him that even that might have justified it - When required to surrender - he insulting turned and endeavored to make his escape - and it was not until after repeated charges to halt that the fatal shot was fired - The friends to the Insurgent (the whiskey boys so called) however endeavor to make a handle of this - and after failing in an attempt to use it as the means of exerting the pity of government now make it a handle for initiating the minds of their party - We have heard of their collecting in large bodies in different places - they have not ventured to appear before us however as yet - nor is there much reason in my opinion to fear it - we have now about 800 horse and 2 or 3 thousand foot and expect to march by Friday next with the President at our head towards Fort Cumberland where the Virginia and Maryland militia are to join us in our march to Fort Pitt -"
Some of the inhabitants of Northcumberland Cty have of late become extremely riotous - they have erected their anarchy poles - and I fear will require a detachment of our troops to put a stop to their career - Dan Levy who has just come down from this land has joined our troop - gives an unpleasant account of violences they have committed - There fresh disturbance, will I fear prolong the time of our service…"
The letter provides an insightful first-hand account of this early test of the new government of the United States. Residents of Western Pennsylvania had become angered over the Whiskey Tax as well as the law requiring they travel miles (necessitating much time and money, neither of which they had) if they were accused of not paying the tax. These rural citizens had tarred and feathered tax collectors and also engaged in a few skirmishes with guns. President Washington mobilized an army consisting of militia from several states and quickly quelled the violence. The result of this use of force was a more highly respected central government.
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Lot 310 |
1795 (Mar. 18) Detroit, British North America to Hants, England, datelined folded letter bearing "HALIFAX / SHIP LRE / JUN 18 / 95" four-line handstamp, manuscript "1/1" rating, Very Fine. Estimate 4,000 - 5,000
This letter traveled by Indian courier to Fort Niagara, then by ship up the St. Lawrence River to Halifax. From Halifax it went by packet to England.
The letter, from an army officer, indicates the British will soon be leaving Detroit and notes "Our Winter Express also brought me a letter from Mr. Finnell dated 31st. Octr…the Communication is not yet open, which prevents my writing to Mr. White the Attorney General of the Upper Province who resides at Niagara…Report says Niagara will be our destination the remainder of this year…This takes it conveyance with one of our tawny friends, an Indian who is going across the Country but as he bears a tolerable good character, think it has a chance of reaching you."
Despite the Treaty of Paris passing Michigan to American control, Detroit and Fort Mackinac did not surrender until January 1796.
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Lot 311 |
1795 (Apr. 26) Brandon Va. to Baltimore Md. via City Point, datelined folded letter bearing partial "CITY POINT. APRIL 18" straightline postmark and manuscript "17" rating; light aging, ink erosion in postmark, Fine, the 17 cent rate for 200-250 miles. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 312 |
1795 (May 13) St. Marks Spanish Florida to Newburyport Ms. via Philadelphia, folded letter with "St. Marc" dateline, carried via private ship to Philadelphia, entered the post with "6 / JY" Franklin mark and manuscript "Sh 26" rating; light staining, Fine, the 22 cent rate for 350-450 miles plus the 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 313 |
1796 (Feb. 1) Charleston S.C. to Newburyport Ms. via Holmes Hole, datelined folded letter with "Brig John via New York" endorsement crossed out, carried by private ship to Holmes Hole, entered the post with manuscript "Holmes - Hole" postmark and matching "16½ Ship" rating; light toning, Fine to Very Fine, the 12½ cent rate for 100-150 miles plus the 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
Holmes Hole is located on Martha's Vineyard.
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Lot 314 |
1796 (Jun. 23) Georgetown D.C. to Newburyport Ms., datelined folded letter bearing manuscript "Geo town June 24" postmark and matching "25" rating, Very Fine, the 25 cent rate for over 450 miles. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 315 |
1796 (Jun. 27) Savannah Ga. to Philadelphia Pa., forwarded to New York, datelined folded letter bearing manuscript "Savh 28, June" postmark and matching "50" rating (crossed out and eroded), received and forwarded from Philadelphia to New York with "20 / JY" Franklin mark and manuscript "20" rating, Fine, double weight letter rated double the 25 cent rate to Philadelphia for over 450 miles, forwarded at double the 10 cent rate to New York for 60-100 miles. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 316 |
1796 (Jul. 14) Hartford Ct. to Hanover N.H., datelined folded letter bearing "HARTFORD. / JULY. 14." two-line postmark and red manuscript "15" rating; light toning, Fine to Very Fine, the 15 cent rate for 150-200 miles. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 317 |
1797 (Jan. 26) St. Thomas to Newburyport Ms. via Edgartown, datelined folded letter carried by private ship to Edgartown, entered the post with manuscript "Edgartown" postmark and matching "Ship 16½" rating; toning, Fine, the 12½ cent rate for 100-150 miles plus the 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 750 - 1,000
Edgartown is located on Martha's Vineyard.
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Lot 318 |
1797 (Feb. 15) Queenstown Canada to Philadelphia Pa. via Schenectady, folded letter with Queenstown dateline, traveled via Montreal Express to Schenectady, where it entered US mails with "SCHEN*MAR*6." straightline postmark and red manuscript "20" rating, Fine, the 20 cent rate for 250-350 miles. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
The letter mentions the sender was planning to use the Montreal Express to send a letter from Kingston.
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Lot 319 |
1797 (Apr. 11) Washington Ky. to Londonderry N.H., folded letter with "Washington Mason County Kentucky" dateline, bearing manuscript "Washington K" postmark and matching "E. Harris PM / Free" endorsement; slight aging, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
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Lot 320 |
1797 (May 19) Bath Me. to Providence R.I., datelined folded letter bearing "BATH*MA*19" straightline postmark and manuscript "17" rating, docketed "recd 25th", reverse with some tape staining, Very Fine, the 17 cent rate for 200-250 miles. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 321 |
1797 (Sep. 24) Guadalupe to Newburyport Ms. via Plymouth, folded letter with "Gauardalupa Point peter" dateline and endorsed "via plymouth", carried by private ship to Plymouth Ms., entered mails with bold strike of "PLYMOUTH" straightline postmark in red, manuscript "Octo. 20th" date and "Sh 14" rating, Very Fine and attractive, the 10¢ rate for 60-100 miles from Plymouth to Newburyport plus 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 322 |
1797 (Oct. 1) Birmingham England to Philadelphia Pa. via Dublin Packet, datelined folded letter endorsed "p Dublin Packet", carried via packet to New York, entered post with partial "N-YORK DEC 18" straightline postmark and red manuscript "Sh 14" rating, light stain, Very Fine, the 10 cent rate for 60-100 miles from New York to Philadelphia plus the 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 323 |
1797 (Nov. 24) Washington D.C. to Philadelphia Pa., datelined folded letter bearing manuscript "W City Nov 25" postmark with matching "Paid 12½" rating, Extremely Fine and fresh, prepaid the 12½ cent rate for 100-150 miles. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
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Lot 324 |
1797 (Dec. 6) Knoxville Tenn. to New York N.Y., folded cover endorsed "p post", bearing manuscript "Knoxville 6 Dec 97" postmark and matching "25 Cts" rating, docketed "Recd Jany 6th", the trip to New York took 32 days, Fine to Very Fine, the 25 cent rate for over 450 miles. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 325 |
1797 (Dec. 20) Northampton Ms. to Hartford Ct., datelined folded letter bearing "NORTHAMPTON" straightline postmark with manuscript "Dec 20 1797" date and "Free" rating, postmaster free frank; some separation, Fine. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 326 |
1798 (Mar. 30) Waterford Ireland to Philadelphia Pa. via Trenton, datelined folded letter carried by private ship to Trenton, an unusual transoceanic port, entered the post with red manuscript "Trenton 20 Oct." postmark and matching "Sh 10", docketed "Recd 23 Octob.", Very Fine, the 6 cent rate for up to 30 miles and the 4 cent ship fee. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 327 |
1798 (May 30) Richmond Va. to Philadelphia Pa., folded cover addressed to Mathew Carey, map maker, bearing a very fine strike of "RICHMOND, May 30. 1798" straightline postmark with ornamental bars, manuscript "20" rating, Extremely Fine and choice, the 20 cent rate for 250-350 miles. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 328 |
1798 (Jun. 8) Copenhagen Denmark to Providence R.I. via Salem, datelined folded letter endorsed "V. Salem & Cap. Allan", carried via private ship to Salem, entered the mails with red "SALEM, / AUGUST 21." two-line postmark and manuscript "Sh 14" rating, docketed received "1 Sep", Extremely Fine and choice, the 10 cent rate for 60-100 miles from Salem to Providence plus the 4¢ ship letter fee. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 329 |
1798 (Jul. 2) Marietta Northwest Territory to Philadelphia Pa., datelined folded letter with legal contents, bearing bold manuscript "Marietta / 2 July" postmark and "Paid 75" rating, Very Fine and fresh, triple the 25 cent rate for over 450 miles. Estimate 750 - 1,000
Marietta was the first Northwest Territory post office, opening in 1794.
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Lot 330 |
1798 (Jul. 6) York Va. to Richmond Va., folded cover with date docketing bearing "York Va: July 9th .98" and matching "Way 11" rating, Very Fine and choice way usage, the 10 cent rate for 60-100 miles plus a 1 cent way fee. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 331 |
1798 (Nov. 19) Piscataway Md. to Annapolis Md., datelined folded letter bearing red manuscript "Piscataway 20th Nov. 1798" postmark and matching "8" rating, Very Fine, the 8 cent rate for 30-60 miles. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 332 |
1798 (Nov. 19) Richmond Va. to Rockbridge Va., folded cover with Official Business manuscript inscription "Postage to be charged to the Public", bearing boldly struck "R' D. Nov. 19,98" straightline postmark and matching "PAID" handstamp with manuscript "15" rating, lightly toned and light stain, Fine, the 15 cent rate for 150-200 miles. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 333 |
1798 (Dec. 16) Columbia C.H. Ga. to Savannah Ga., folded cover bearing "Columbia C-H Geo. Dec. 16th 98" and matching "Cts 15" rating; lightly toned and corner nibble, Fine, the 15 cent rate for 150-200 miles. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 334 |
1799 (Mar. 19) Norfolk Va. to Newburyport Ms. via Eastern Shore Mail, datelined folded letter bearing "Eastern Shore Mail" enigmatic postal endorsement and matching "75" rating, some separations and discoloration, Fine, three-times the 25 cent rate for over 450 miles. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 335 |
1799 (May 6) Newburyport Ms. to New Gloucester Me., datelined folded letter bearing a very fine strike of "NEWBT. MS. May 6" 26mm government furnished c.d.s., ting edge fault and toning, Fine, the 12½ cent rate for 90-150 miles. Estimate 200 - 300
The earliest recorded example of the 26mm government issued postmark from Newburyport.
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Lot 336 |
1799 (May 29) Washington D.C. to Newburyport Ms., datelined folded letter bearing boldly struck "Wash.City May 29" 26mm government furnished c.d.s., two tears, Fine, the 25 cent rate for over 500 miles. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 337 |
1799 (Aug. 25) Russelville Ky. to Fredericksburg Va., folded letter bearing manuscript "Russelville Ky Aug 25" postmark with matching "25" rating, the letter reports the result of an estate auction of slaves; lightly toned, Fine, the 25 cent rate for over 450 miles. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 338 |
1799 (Sep. 9) New Orleans, Spanish Louisiana to St. Croix, folded cover enclosing printed official American Consulate document, and bearing bold strike in bright red of "Nueva Orleans" in wreath handstamp, addressed "Registry of the Frigate America Planter, that in charge of its Captain Mr. Joseph Huson is being dispatched from this port of New Orleans to the Danish Island of Saint Croix, in which it is to be presented to the respective authorities. Paid by the Postmaster Carlos Perez. Given on September 9, 1799", original enclosure signed by vice-consul and impressed with the "American Consulate New Orleans" official seal; some minor ink erosion, Very Fine. Estimate 10,000 - 15,000
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Lot 339 |
1799 (Oct. 5) Augusta Me. to Danvers Ms., folded letter with "Augusta District Maine" dateline, bearing "AUGUSTA, ME" straightline postmark with manuscript date "Octo 5-" and matching "17" rating; some light toning, Fine to Very Fine, over-rated at the 17 cent rate for 200-250 miles, should have been either 12½ or 15 cents for approximately 150 miles. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 340 |
1799 (Nov. 12) London England to Philadelphia Pa. via Liverpool Ship, datelined folded letter "P Atalanta via Virginia" endorsement crossed out and "Saild" added, bearing "Ship Letter London" and "Ship Letter Liverpool" crown oval handstamps, additional indistinct red oval handstamp, carried via British ship to a port 300-500 miles from Philadelphia, entered post with "Sh 62" rating", Philadelphia red manuscript "1/8", docketed "recd 4 March", Very Fine, triple the 20 cent rate for 300-500 miles plus the 2 cent ship fee, charged 1 shilling 8 pence in local currency. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 341 |
1799-1800 (c.) Government Furnished Handstamps, group of six different government furnished 26mm handstamps from Albany N.Y., Charles Town S.C., Newark N.J., Newburyport Ms., Trenton N.J., and Washington City D.C. (reddish), various rates; couple small faults,a Very Fine group of the first standardized postmarks. Estimate 400 - 500
In 1799, the U.S. Post Office Department supplied twelve post offices with standardized 26mm diameter postmarks. The offices that received them were Washington and Georgetown D.C.; Alexandria, Fredericksburg, and Petersburg Va.; Augusta Ga.; Newark and Trenton N.J.; Newport and Providence R.I.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; and Newburyport Ms.
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