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Lot 1100 |
 1886 (28 July) envelope from Frankfurt to "Ti-Tchouan, Pro Ho-nan China" via Brindisi (31.7) and Hong Kong (6.9) redirected to Hankow (14.9), bearing Pfennig 20pf ultramarine, cancelled by c.d.s., endorsed "Not in Hankow" and "Rebut" handstamp, the letter subsequently returned to sender, British "Hankow/A" (27.11) despatch c.d.s., Hong Kong/A" (18.1.87) and "Shanghae/A" (15.1.87) transit c.d.s. and "Frankfurt a Main" arrival c.d.s. (22.5), possibly carried on the second trip of the "Neckar", Very Fine and unusual "returned" cover. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1101 |
 1887 (23 May) envelope from Shanghai to Nürnberg, bearing Pfennig 20pf deep ultramarine (Michel V42c) vertical strip of three, cancelled by "Deutsche Seepost/Ost Asiatische Hauptlinie/g" c.d.s., endorsed "Shanghai" (upon ship's arrival there) in manuscript next to stamps and showing "Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur/ Shanghai" c.d.s. (23.5) on reverse, carried on the first trip of the "Sachsen", light central vertical filing fold, Very Fine. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 1102 |
 1888 (2 June) registered envelope (208 x 124mm) from Shanghai to Erfurt (18.7), "per Lloyd Dampfer ‘Neckar’ von Shanghai, China" bearing Pfennig 10pf deep rose red and 50pf olive (Michel V40, V44b) strip of three, cancelled by "Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur/ Shanghai" c.d.s., with registration label, Very Fine and handsome. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
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Lot 1103 |
 1890 (18 Apr.) registered envelope (240 x 117mm) to Erfurt (24.5) "p. English Mail", bearing Pfennig 50pf blackish green (Michel V44d) vertical pair, cancelled by "Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur /Shanghai" c.d.s., with registration label, carried on the "Khiva" and "Britannia", couple of trivial cover tears, Very Fine. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 1104 |
 1890 (25 Sept.) envelope (with Reuter Brockelmann & Co. sender's imprint on inside of flap), to Bremen (25.10) "p S.S. Bay", bearing Hong Kong 5c blue block of six, cancelled by "Deutsche Seepost/Ost-Asiatische Hauptlinie/d" c.d.s., minor soiling, Very Fine. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 1105 |
 1891 envelope from Shanghai to Rogasen (25.5) with sender's endorsement "S.M.S. Leipzig, Z.Z. Shanghai, China", bearing Eagle 10pf red, cancelled by "Berlin C" transit c.d.s. (24.5), cover has slight uniform aging, Very Fine maritime cover with stamp cancelled on arrival in Germany. Estimate 750 - 1,000
The example shown here was carried inside a "Hofpostamtsbrief" and mailed in Berlin.
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Lot 1106 |
 1891 (22 Aug.) envelope from Shanghai ("J Pollak" sender's cachet) to Gablonz (28.9)" per. s-s-melbourne", bearing Eagle 10pf brownish rose (Michel V41b) pair, cancelled by "Kaiserlich Deutsche Postagentur/Shanghai" c.d.s. and showing "Ligne N/Paq. Fr. No. 3" octagonal datestamp in red adjacent, envelope slightly reduced at left, Very Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1107 |
 1895-98 envelopes (2) to Vienna and Hamburg, bearing Eagle 10pf single and double frankings respectively, cancelled by "Tientsin/Kaiserl. Deutsche Postagentur" c.d.s., the former also with "Ligne N/Paq. Fr. No…" octagonal datestamp, Very Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1108 |
 1900 (12 Apr.) envelope to Essen (14.4), bearing Eagle 5pf bluish green, 10pf red and 25pf orange, cancelled by "Deutsche Seepost/Ost-Asiatische Hauptlinie/g" c.d.s. (Bavaria trip) and the 10pf additionally tied by "Southampton/Ship Letter" c.d.s. (12.4); also 1899 (20 Apr.) postcard to Hamburg (13.5) via Colombo (21.4), bearing 10pf cancelled by the index "C" c.d.s. (Prussian trip). Michel V46c, 47d, 49b. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 1109 |
 1910 (18 Oct.) postcard from Tsingtau to Heide, bearing Kiautschou 2c green (Michel 19), cancelled by "Deutsche Seepost/Shanghai-Tientsin*" oval datestamp (another strike on front), framed "Paquebot", "Dairen/I.J.P.O." (19.10) and "Changchun-S/I.J.P.O." (20.10) c.d.s. all in violet, Very Fine. Estimate 200 - 250
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Lot 1110 |
 1911 (21 May) postcard to Santa Cruz, California "via Siberia", bearing "China" 4c on 10pf carmine (Michel 30) tied by straight-line "Ship" handstamp in blue, Fine. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1111 |
 1897 (17 Feb.) registered envelope (170 x 150mm) to Dillingen, Saar (8.4) "via Sibirien", bearing 50pf lilac brown (Michel 50d) vertical pair, cancelled by "Tientsin/Kaiserl. Deutsche Postagentur" c.d.s., provisional registration label (in use 1896-97), faint age spotting and cover tear at right which does not affect stamp, Very Fine and early routing through Siberia. Estimate 3,000 - 4,000
Before the Trans-Siberian Railway was finished and a scheduled service was begun in sections, the German Postal Agency in Tientsin conducted trials to transport mail via Siberia through the Russian Post Office from May, 1896. This route took 20 days longer than the normal service.
Friedemann-Berichte 3441.
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Lot 1112 |
 1898 (17 Oct.) Imperial Chinese Post 1c stationery card, from a member of the Third Sea Battalion of Tsingtau Detachment assigned to the Legation Detail in Peking to Tsingtau (30.11), cancelled by "Peking" dollar chop, "Chefoo" (18.11) and "Shanghai" (21.11) transit dollar chops, Fine forerunner item from military detail directly involved in the conflict. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1113 |
 1900 (Oct.) envelope from a member of the First Sea Battalion in Peking to his wife in Bangkok, Siam (24.10) via Hong Kong, bearing "China" diagonal overprint 10pf red (Michel 3I) vertical pair cancelled by wooden "Peking/Deutsche Post" undated circular handstamp, Very Fine and unusual destination. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
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Lot 1114 |
 1900 (8 Oct.) "Feld-Postkarte" from Cruiser "Irene" to Kiel (19.11), showing unframed "Tongku" handstamp (hitherto unrecorded) and "Kais. Deutsche/Marine-Schiffspost/No. 4" c.d.s., vertical crease at extreme right edge, Fine. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1115 |
 1900 (7 Nov.) large envelope (222 x 155mm) from Tientsin to Schwedt (21.12), bearing Petschili Reichspost 10pf red (Michel Vc) singles (2), cancelled by "Kais. Deutsche Feldpost - Expedition/b" c.d.s. and showing framed "S.B./Ostas. Exped./1. Komp. Pion. Batls." handstamp adjacent, the envelope (faults, small portion at back missing) has been reused and is endorsed inside "Wir möchten gerne drauf hauen General Lessel (Commander of the Sea Battalion) will nicht." Fine and unusual usage. Estimate 1,500 - 200
Provenance: Wilhelm, Mizuhara
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Lot 1116 |
 1900 (19 Nov.) envelope, (embossed seal of "Kaiserlich Deutsche Gesandtschaft für China" on reverse) to the Imperial German Consulate in Shanghai (27.11), bearing "China" steep overprint 25pf orange and Petschili Reichspost 5pf green (Michel 5II, Vb) vertical strip of three, cancelled by "Peking/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., with registration label, Very Fine internal usage. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
Expertization: 2000 Steuer Certificate.
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Lot 1117 |
 1900 (15 Dec.) registered envelope to Naples (26.1.01), bearing "China" steep overprint 20pf ultramarine and Petschili Reichspost 40pf carmine and black (Michel 4II, Vf), cancelled by "Peking/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., with registration label and "Ligne N/Paq. Fr. No.?" octagonal datestamp (27.12), Very Fine. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
Provenance: Mizuhara
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Lot 1118 |
 1900 (27 Dec.) registered envelope to Strasbourg (17.2.01), bearing "China" steep overprint 20pf ultramarine and Petschili Reichspost 40pf carmine and black (Michel 4II, Vf) vertical pairs (2), cancelled by "Tientsin/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s., with provisional "R/Tientsin/No. 269" handstamp adjacent, envelope folded in places (clear of stamps), two stamps have small perf faults, Very Fine and exceptional eight times weight registered franking from the Petschili Campaign. Estimate 3,000 - 4,000
Expertization: signed Kilian BPP and 2000 Steuer Certificate.
Provenance: Woitas
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Lot 1119 |
 1900 (28 Dec.) registered envelope to Berlin (17.2.01), bearing Petschili Reichspost 10pf carmine and 30pf orange and black on salmon (Michel Vc, Ve), cancelled by "Tientsin/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s., with provisional "R/Tientsin/No. 285" handstamp adjacent, envelope is reduced at top and has light vertical filing fold, Very Fine and rare. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
Expertization: 1993 Dr. Steuer Certificate.
Provenance: Fuchs
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Lot 1120 |
 1901 (5 Jan.) registered envelope to Dortmund (20.2), bearing Petschili Crown and Eagle 5pf bluish green vertical pair and single and 25pf orange (Michel Vab, Vae), crisply cancelled by "Peking/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., Extremely Fine and choice, rare franking with the Eagle 25 pfennig. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
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Lot 1121 |
 1901 (23 Jan.) registered envelope to Tilsit (8.3), bearing Petschili Reichspost 5pf green vertical pair and 50pf purple and black on buff (Michel Vb, Vg) cancelled by "Peking/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., with registration label, Very Fine and rare double rate franking. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
Expertization: 1996 Steuer Certificate.
Provenance: Fuchs
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Lot 1122 |
 1901 (27 Jan.) Reichspost 2pf stationery card to Lübeck, bearing Petschili Reichspost 3pf brown and 5pf green (Michel Va, Vb) cancelled by "Tientsin/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s., Fine. Estimate 500 - 750
Expertization: 2001 Steuer Certificate.
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Lot 1123 |
 1901 (10 June) registered envelope (216 x 160mm) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Rome (21.7), bearing Petschili Reichspost 10pf rose and Kiautschou 50pf purple and black on buff (Michel Vc, VIh), cancelled by "Peking/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., with registration label, envelope reduced at top and flap at back missing, Very Fine and rare Petschili mixed issue franking. Estimate 3,000 - 4,000
Expertization: Double signed Bothe BPP.
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Lot 1124 |
 1901 (17 June) envelope to Bromberg (22.7) "pr S.S. Parramatta", bearing "China" overprint 10pf red singles (2) and Petschili Reichspost 20pf ultramarine (Michel Vd, 17), cancelled by "Shanghai/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., Very Fine. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1125 |
 1901 (5 July) "China" overprint 5pf + 5pf reply paid card (both halves intact), the sender's portion from Erfurt to a member of the Third Sea Battalion in China, endorsed "eventl. Heimreise" and "Zuruck", and the reply portion (21 Jan. 02) sent to Erfurt (24.2) bearing Reichspost 5pf cancelled by "Shanghai/Deutsche Post" c.d.s. and endorsed "Durch Marinepost Buerau", Fine and highly unusual. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1126 |
 1901 (19 July) registered envelope (231x 116mm) to Leipzig (25.8), bearing "China" steep overprint 3pf (5), 5pf (5), 10pf, and 1901 "China" overprint 10pf and 20pf, cancelled by "Shanghai/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s., with registration label, small perf faults due to application of stamps around or just over edge of cover, Fine triple rate registered franking. Michel 1II, 2II, 3II, 17, 18. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1127 |
 1901 (21 Aug.) envelope from "China Inland Mission" in Chinchow to Ennenda, Switzerland (9.10), showing tombstone origin handstamp, bilingual "Wenchow" and "Shanghai" (4.9) c.d.s., bearing Petschili Reichspost 20pf ultramarine (Michel Vd) with framed "I.P.O." tie-print and "Shanghai/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s. (4.9), Very Fine, the "I.P.O." tie-prints are rare on the German P.O. stamps and of the greatest rarity on the Petschili issue. Estimate 4,000 - 5,000
Expertization: 2000 Steuer Certificate.
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Lot 1128 |
 1901 (4 Oct.) registered 3pf stationery card to Chemnitz (21.11), bearing Petschili Reichspost 3pf to 80pf (Michel Va-Vh) and Empire 2pf, cancelled by "Tientsin/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s., with "Feldpostation No. 10 der I. Armee" registration label handstamped "Tientsin", the 20pf has slightly damaged lower left corner, the other values including the exceptionally rare 25pf are Very Fine, spectacular franking with the entire set of pfennig values. Estimate 7,500 - 10,000
Expertization: 1995 Steuer Certificate.
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Lot 1129 |
 1902 (5 Mar.) registered envelope to Oldenburg (9.4), bearing Petschili Reichspost 20pf ultramarine and 1901 "China" overprint 5pf green (Michel Vd, 16) vertical strip of three and single, cancelled by "Shanghai/Deutsche Post/b" c.d.s., with provisional registration label, Very Fine. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 1130 |
 1900 (7 Dec.) registered parcel card from Arnhold, Karberg & Co. in Tientsin to Paris via Genoa, bearing 2m brown purple, "China" diagonal overprint 20pf ultramarine, and Petschili Reichspost 30pf red orange and black on salmon (Michel V37e, 4I, Ve) vertical pair cancelled by "Tientsin/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s., the 2.80 mark rate for a 1.5 kilogram parcel, Very Fine and splendid franking of three different issues. Estimate 2,000 - 2,500
Expertization: 1996 Steuer Certificate.
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Lot 1133 |
 1901 (6 June) registered parcel card to Remagen via Bremen (8.8), bearing on front and back "China" steep overprint 50pf lilac brown pair and singles (2), and Petschili Kiautschou 10pf rose and 3m blackish violet (Michel 6II, VIc, VIm), cancelled by "Peking/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., the card has heavy creasing (causing vertical splitting) and signs of considerable wear, the stamps are Very Fine. A great rarity, only a few proper usages of the 3 mark stamp are known. Estimate 7,500 - 10,000
Provenance: Wollbrandt, Dahlmann
According to the rate for a 10 kilogram parcel introduced on 15 May 1901, postage was 50 pfennig from Peking to Shanghai, 3.60 mark for the journey by sea, and 1 mark for German internal postage to Zone 2.
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Lot 1134 |
 1901 (23 Dec.) "Feldtelegramm" from Freiherr von Schleinitz, Oblt. Inf. Brig, bearing on reverse 1901 "China" overprint 50pf purple and black on buff (Michel 22) block of eight and horizontal and vertical pairs, paying the 6 mark rate, cancelled by "Tientsin/Deutsche Post/a" c.d.s., Very Fine and exceedingly rare surviving telegram. Estimate 4,000 - 5,000
Expertization: 2000 Steuer Certificate.
The normal rate for a telegram was 5.75 marks per word; however, there was a reduced rate for fixed messages, of which there were 100 such from which to choose. This one was message 46: "Herzlichen Glückwunsch und Gruss."
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Lot 1135 |
 1914 (1 July) registered large part parcel wrapper from a member of the Belgian Guard in Peking to Regensburg, bearing 1905 4c on 10pf singles (2) and 10c on 20pf (Michel 30, 31) pair and singles (2), cancelled by "Peking/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., with registration label, Fine and unusual origin. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1136 |
 1915 (3 Feb.) envelope from Göttingen to the German Consulate in Shanghai, bearing 10pf carmine vertical pair, cancelled by c.d.s., with "Kaiserliche Postamt/Frankfurt (Main) 9" label where opened envelope sealed, tied by bilingual "Shanghai" c.d.s. on reverse, Very Fine. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1137 |
 1917 envelope to Hamburg, bearing "China" 10c on watermarked 20pf ultramarine (Michel 41), cancelled by "Tschifu/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., bilingual Chinese-English "Passed by Censor" label (on reverse), and U.S. "Mail service suspended/to country addressed" handstamp in violet, faint traces of foxing, Fine example of detained mail sent just prior to the closing (16 March 1917) of the German Post Office. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1138 |
 1900-02, Boxer Rebellion, the collection of approximately 60 covers or cards from this infamous conflict, written up to international exhibition standards presenting this subject in its historical context, fascinating range of military origins and usages, including 1900 (2 July) unfranked postcard to Austria handstamped "Feldpostbrief" with "Tientsin/Deutsche Post/a" origin c.d.s. in which the writer reports the storming of an arsenal in Tientsin that left nine members of his Company dead, 1900 (16 Aug.) postcard from Tientsin to Berlin bearing "China" diagonal overprint 5pf (2), 1900 (8 Dec.) "On H.G.M.'s Service" registered envelope from the German Consulate in Tientsin to its counterpart in Shanghai, 1901 (24 Jan.) 10pf stationery card registered from Peking to Austria bearing Petschili Reichspost 20pf and 1901 (25 Feb.) "Feld-Postkarte" from Peking to Austria bearing three examples of Petschili Reichspost 10pf, 1901 (9 Feb.) ICP 1c stationery card from S.M.S. Cormoran (Australia Station) to Berlin with CIP-France "Chine" combination franking, 1901 (22 Feb.) Hong Kong 5c stationery envelope from Amoy to Germany bearing 2c and 4c, 1900-01 Hungary 4f + 4f reply paid card from Budapest to Chefoo uprated with 1f (2) and 4f showing Singapore to Hong Kong marine sorter and reply portion from Chefoo to Budapest bearing "China" steep overprint 10pf tied by "Tschifu/Deutsche Post" c.d.s., and 1902 (2 Apr.) "Gouvernement Provisoire du District de Tientsin, Departement de la Police" corner card envelope from Tientsin to Leipzig bearing "China" overprint values (6) to 50pf, a marvelous basis for further study, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate 5,000 - 7,500
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Lot 1139 |
 1901-17, The German Influence in China, the wonderfully diverse balance of the collection comprising approximately 90 covers or cards, beautifully mounted and written up, commencing with a fine range of towns in which the Germans either had a post office or a marked commercial presence, including Chefoo with 1901 CIP-France "Chine" combination card to Germany, Hankow, Ichang, Nanking, Tongku, and the larger cities, nice section of TPO with the Schantung Railway (13), Sea Post (12), Mail via Siberia (10), and World War I (8) with routes and censors, Fine to Very Fine. Estimate 3,000 - 4,000
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