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Lot 2255 |
o/ Maritimes balance, a few hundred stamps and maybe 75 covers from N.S., N.B. and P.E.I., all sorted in sleeves and on cards. Since this is part of the collection that Hennok never mounted, there is plenty of better material to be found. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 2256 |
 Maritime Provinces picture postcards, 42 vintage picture postcards (28 N.S., 13 N.B., 1 P.E.I.), all featuring views of towns that used squared circle postmarks, many showing the town post office. Most are pre-1920 and about half are used. Wonderful collateral. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 2257 |
o/ Quebec balance, a few hundred stamps and perhaps 60 covers from Quebec, all sorted in sleeves and on cards. Since this is part of the collection that Hennok never mounted, there is plenty of better material to be found. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 2258 |
 Quebec picture postcards, 25 vintage picture postcards, all featuring views of towns that used squared circle postmarks, many showing the town post office. Most are pre-1920 and 13 are used (Danville has a squared circle, JA 9/11), a few towns with two or three different views. Wonderful collateral. Estimate 100 - 150
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Lot 2259 |
o/ Ontario - balance on exhibit pages, Massive collection on over 140 exhibit pages. Highlights are literally too numerous to mention, but there are hundreds of RF25-70 towns plus lots of earliest and latest usages, indicia errors, fabulous illustrated advertising covers. Stamps are mainly low values with almost no 8¢ Small Queens, 3¢ Jubilees, 2¢ Maps or 5¢ Registered Letter Stamps, which were lotted elsewhere in the catalogue. A rough guess as to the quantity of material here would about 200 covers and 500 stamps. This represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire, all at one time, some of the best material the field has to offer. Estimate 5,000 - 7,500
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Lot 2260 |
o/ Ontario duplicates, small box of sorted but unmounted material, the vast majority duplicates the exhibit, but there is plenty of good material here. Includes several hundred stamps and perhaps 150 covers, all sorted in sleeves, on cards and even on Hennok's auction pages (with some "realizations" of more than $100). Includes some very nice advertising covers. Good variety of stamps, though most of the 2¢ Maps and and 3¢ Jubilee covers have been removed. Condition is generally F-VF. Allow a good bit of time to examine this one. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
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Lot 2261 |
 Ontario picture postcards, about 125 vintage picture postcards, all featuring views of towns that used squared circle postmarks, many showing the town post office. Most are pre-1920 and more than half are used, a few towns with two or three different views. Wonderful collateral. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 2262 |
o/ Manitoba - the balance on exhibit pages, 15 pages comprising 24 covers or cards and 32 off-cover stamps, highlights include the latest recorded use of Birtle and Minnedosa (MY 7/03), earliest for Pipestone (DE 7/93) and off-cover examples of Gretna (3¢ S.Q. & 2¢ Num.) and Pipestone (3¢ S.Q. & 3¢ Leaf, in addition to the earliest above); generally F-VF. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 2263 |
o/ Assiniboia - the balance on exhibit pages, eight pages comprising 12 covers or cards and 30 off-cover stamps, highlights include the earliest recorded use of Grenfell (FE 7/95, earlier than previously recorded), Medicine Hat, and off-cover examples of Estevan (1¢ & 3¢ S.Q.) and Wolseley I (faulty 3¢ S.Q.); generally F-VF. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 2264 |
o/ Alberta and Saskatchewan - the balance on exhibit pages, six pages of Alberta (10 covers or cards and 25 off-cover stamps) and two of Prince Albert, Sask. (five covers, seven stamps), highlights include two Innisfail covers (3¢ S.Q. & 2¢ Num.), an off-cover Innisfail 2¢ Numeral dated MY14/03 (a new latest usage), two Red-Deer covers (3¢ S.Q. & 2¢ Num.) and an off-cover Red-Deer 3¢ S.Q. dated No 5/94 (the earliest recorded); generally F-VF. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 2265 |
o/ British Columbia - the balance on exhibit pages, 11 pages comprising 14 covers or cards and 32 off-cover stamps, highlights include the earliest recorded use of Donald, B.C., and off-cover examples of Golden (2), Kamloops (3) Rossland (2), Sandon (1) and Vernon (3, including an 8¢ S.Q.); generally F-VF. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 2266 |
o/ Western Provinces duplicates, perhaps a hundred stamps and a few cover from the Western Provinces, all sorted in sleeves and on cards. Also includes a few Honolulu squared circles. Nothing rare but plenty of useful material. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 2267 |
 Western Provinces picture postcards, 28 vintage picture postcards, all featuring views of towns that used squared circle postmarks, many showing the town post office. Most are pre-1920 and most are mint, a few towns with two or three different views. Wonderful collateral. Estimate 100 - 150
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Lot 2268 |
o/ Honolulu, Hawaii, two exhibit pages showing 13 examples of the undated Honolulu squared circle. Comprises three covers, a postal card (to Belgium via Vancouver), a large piece of wrapper to Washington, D.C. (with 5¢ Official and scarce "Foreign Office. Honolulu, H.I., Jun 18, 1897"), and eight off-cover stamps including a 12¢ Official and a Canadian 3¢ Small Queen; generally F-VF. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 2269 |
o/ Large balance of collection, large carton containing album pages glassines, stock cards and loose material that was only loosely sorted and never incorporated into the main collection including nice showings of precursors and type I squared circles. Lots of hidden treasure buried in here. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 2270 |
P Squared Circle Proof strikes, large accumulation of nearly 2,500 items, some appear to be actual Pritchard & Andrews proof strikes, other seem to be photographic reproductions (includes a set of photo negatives with 297 different type I and type II hammers), lots of duplication. Estimate 400 - 600
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