Stiss Illinois Postal History: Locals & Express Companies |
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Lot 1287 |
 Allen's City Dispatch, 1882, red on yellow (3L3), tied by violet "Allen's City Dispatch Jan 12" on a locally addressed orange cover, Lumber Dealer corner card, Very Fine. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 1288 |
 Floyd's Penny Post, 1860 (1¢) blue (68L1), extra large margins, tied by blue double-oval "Floyd's Penny Post Chicago" handstamp on locally addressed cover, patriotic embossing on flap, reduced slightly at top from opening, Very Fine and choice. Estimate 750 - 1,000
Expertization: 1996 P.F. Certificate.
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Lot 1289 |
 Floyd's Penny Post Chicago, circular handstamp on from the mails inbound cover to Chicago bearing 3¢ rose (65) tied by "Philadelphia Pa Apr 22, 1862" c.d.s., endorsed "Care of Floyd's Penny Post", blue "Chicago 24 AM" backstamp, patriotic edging on reverse; reduced slightly from opening at left, Very Fine. Estimate 750 - 1,000
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Lot 1290 |
 Floyd's Penny Post Chicago, circular handstamp on to the mails outgoing cover to Thomsonville, Ct., blue "Chicago Ill. Oct. 4, 1866" duplex c.d.s. tying 3¢ rose (65), stamp and cover faults, a Fine and rare usage. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1291 |
 American Express Comp's Paid (Haller FA4), printed frank in rose and "Forwarded from … 186 …" entry line on 3¢ pink entire (U34) to Lancaster, N.H., entered U.S. mails with "Chicago Ill. Nov. 24 '64" duplex c.d.s., flap with printed contract terms and "Livingston, Fargo & Co. Proprietors" imprint, Very Fine and extremely rare usage. Estimate 2,000 - 3,000
According to Haller, the American Express Company operated from 1856 to 1869 as the Eastern and Mid-Western express of Livingston, Fargo & Co. It was a consolidation of Butterfield, Wesson & Co., and Wells & Co. This frank is unpriced used and $2,750 mint by Haller.
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Lot 1292 |
 American Express Co. from Chicago Ill., Money Package, black on orange with Liberty illustrated adhesive on cover to Detroit, Mich., manscript "$75.04", reverse with wax seals, Very Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1293 |
 American Express from Chicago Ill., Money Package, black on orange label on printed envelope to Wells River, Vermont, ms. "pd $1" notation, original 1864 receipt enclosure of Cheney & Co., cover reduced at left, Fine. Estimate 100 - 150
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Lot 1294 |
 Express Co. Pre-Printed Envelopes, two Adams Express Co. and one Merchants Union Express Co. envelopes used from Chicago, one Adams used to New Orleans with "Penny Post" endorsement and incomplete strike of N.O. City Post c.d.s., small faults, Fine. Estimate 150 - 200
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