20th Century Issues on Cover |
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Lot 1593 |
 1901 Pan-American Exposition complete (294-299), tied by Syracuse, N.Y. duplex cancels, July 30, 1901, on locally addressed cover; 1¢ and 8¢ straight edge, minor cover soiling, Fine and scarce. Estimate 400 - 600
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Lot 1594 |
 1903, 5¢ blue (304), tied by light Fort Smith, Ark. machine cancel, Mar, 1906, on cover to Axim, Gold Coast, backstamped Apr 28, Fine. A rare destination. Estimate 150 - 200
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Lot 1595 |
 1902, 8¢ violet black (306), tied by boxed Muskogee, Ind. T. cancellation (paying the registry fee) on a registered Dept. of the Interior penalty envelope, violet "Muskogee, Ind. T, Registered, Dec 4, 1907" double circle, backstamped "Fort Towson, Ind. T, Recd", Dec 5, ms "Deceased" and handstamped "Return to Writer" with additional "Muskogee, Ind. T, Reg. Div." double circle, Dec 17, on reverse; open on three sides, lightly toned, Very Fine use of Territorial markings after statehood. Estimate 100 - 150
Oklahoma became a State on November 16, 1907. All normal letter cancelling devices for Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory were altered (or replaced) to read "Oklahoma". The devices used for the four markings on this cover had not yet been replaced.
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Lot 1596 |
 1904, 3¢ Louisiana Purchase (325), top plate block of four tied by Sioux Falls, S. Dak. ovals on large part of registered cover to Saginaw, Mich., backstamped violet Saginaw registry receiver; reduced at left and slightly at bottom, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1597 |
 Louisiana Purchase Exposition complete (323-327), tied by light Berlin, N.H.duplexes, May 1, 1905, on registered cover with Fire Insurance corner card to Berlin, Ont. Canada, magenta Berlin, N.H. registry postmarks, backstamped Island Pond, Vt., three different Canadian R.R. postmarks and Berlin receiver; 10¢ stamp has rounded corner, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1598 |
 1909, 4¢ orange brown, imperf, vertical coil (346V), paste-up strip of three tied by "New York, N.Y./C.H. Sta. Reg." oval on registered cover to Benton Harbor, Mich., Oct 5, 1922, Benton Harbor receiver Oct. 7, Very Fine and very scarce. 2¢ domestic letter rate plus 10¢ for registration. 1997 P.F. Certificate. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1599 |
 1909, 2¢ Lincoln, imperf (368), right plate block of six tied by East Branch, N.Y. duplexes, Dec 16, 1909, on registered cover to Washington, D.C., backstamped registry postmarks of New York and Washington; minor soiling, Very Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1600 |
 1917, 2¢ deep rose, type Ia (500), straightedge and guideline at right, tied by Harlowton, Mont. duplex, Feb 21, 1920, on cover to Plano, Iowa, Very Fine. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1601 |
 1917, 2¢ deep rose, type Ia (500), well centered, Very Fine, tied by Camden, S.C. duplex, Aug 2, 1920, on locally addressed cover; reduced slightly at left, Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1602 |
 1923, $1 violet black (571), top margin arrow block of 12 with both left and right plate #14268/F14268, tied by San Francisco slogan cancels (American Legion Convention), Aug 21, 1921, on airmail cover to Edward Worden in N.J.; crease in selvage at upper left stamp and file fold at left end of envelope, block is F.-V.F., cover Fine. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1603 |
 1926 White Plains souvenir sheet (630), cover to Rawalpindi, India franked with complete sheet (slightly reduced selvage) folded over front and back of a regular size envelope, cancelled purple New York Exhibition Sta. cancels, Oct 20, 1926, backstamped San Francisco (Oct 22), Hong Kong (Nov 22) and Rawalpindi (Dec 7); very minor perf flaws at top, F-VF. A most unusual franking. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1604 |
o 1926 White Plains souvenir sheet (630), cancelled first day of issue by Washington, D.C., Oct. 18, 1926 duplexes, selvage reduced at right. Very Fine. Scott $450
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Lot 1605 |
 1928, 2¢ carmine, type II (634A), two plate blocks, UL and UR plate # 19644, Fine-average. centering, cancelled Oakland, Calif. Airport Sta., June 28, 1930, on cacheted air Exposition cover to New York, VF and rare franking (the mint plate blocks would catalog $2000 each). Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 1606 |
 1968, 12¢ Ford (1286A), cacheted FDC bearing seven other previously issued 12¢ stamps including #69, 117 and 151, which actually appears to have been unused (though VG) before they were applied. A Very Fine and most unusual cover. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1607 |
 1968, 30¢ Dewey (1291), cacheted FDC bearing ten other previously issued 30¢ stamps including #38, 71, 121, 190, 217 and 228, which actually appear to have been unused (though VG or faulty) before they were applied. A Very Fine and most unusual FDC with the aforementioned stamps having a "used" catalogue value in excess of $1,400. Estimate 300 - 400
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