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Lot 1660 |
  1918 (May 15) Washington, D.C. — Philadelphia first flight (AAMC 101B1), 7¢ 8¢ & 9¢ Franklins on blue "Aerial Mail Service" vignette and tied by Washington, D.C. "First Trip" duplex on cover to Philadelphia, pink "Special Aero Mail" label at lower left, backstamped Philadelphia, 3 PM; also on reverse manuscript "Envelope made by John Wanamaker, one-time Postmaster General of U.S.A." and a "Help Humble the Hun" patriotic label published by the Y.M.C.A. School of Airplane Construction showing a U.S. biplane dropping bombs, F-VF. AAMC $450.
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Lot 1661 |
  1918 (May 15) Philadelphia — New York first flight (AAMC 101C1), 24¢ Jenny (C3) tied by Philadelphia "First Trip" duplex on cover to addressed to Scott Stamp & Coin Co., New York, backstamped, F-VF, scarce regular size cover. AAMC $500.
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Lot 1662 |
  1918 (May 15) Philadelphia — Washington, D.C. first flight (AAMC 101D1), 4¢ 9¢ & 11¢ Franklins on pink "Aerial Mail Service" vignette and tied by Philadelphia "First Trip" duplex on cover to Washington, D.C., blue "Special Aero Mail" label at lower left, "Help Humble the Hun" patriotic label as previous on reverse, F-VF. AAMC $500.
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Lot 1663 |
  1918 New York — Philadelphia first flight (AAMC 101E1), 5¢ 7¢ & 12¢ Franklins on pink "Aerial Mail Service" vignette and tied by magenta New York "First Trip" duplex on cover to Philadelphia, blue "Special Aero Mail" label at lower left, backstamped Philadelphia, 230 PM, "Help Humble the Hun" patriotic label as previous on reverse, F-VF. AAMC $450.
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Lot 1664 |
  Airmail, 1918, 6¢-24¢ first issue complete (C1-C3), blocks of four on matched set of three covers cancelled magenta "U.S. Marine Corps Port au Prince, Haiti, Jan 25, 1924" duplex, 6¢ cover with additional 2¢ Harding pair; manuscript instruction "Via Air Mail New York to San Francisco", addressed to Oakland, Calif., F-VF and most unusual. Estimate 400 - 600
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Lot 1665 |
  Airmail, 1918, 6¢-24¢ first issue complete (C1-C3), cacheted 1928 Zeppelin cover bearing the complete set tied along with a 6¢ Garfield on 2¢ postal card cancelled New York duplexes Oct 26, addressed to Budapest, Hungary, backstamped Friedrichshafen, Very Fine. A scarce franking and a rare destination. Estimate 150 - 200
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Lot 1666 |
  Airmail, 1930 Graf Zeppelin set complete (C13-C15), on matched set of flown FDcs (65¢ is a card) $2.60 flown Friedrichshafen-Lakehurst, others on return trip Lakehurst-Friedrichshafen, Very Fine. Scott $3,600
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Lot 1667 |
  Airmail, 1930, 65¢ Graf Zeppelin (C13), tied by Lakehurst machine cancel on 1¢ message card (UY5m) intentionally cut from an agency sheet to show the 1¢ indicia at both upper corners; perf toning on stamp, otherwise a Fine and unique Zeppelin cover. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1668 |
  Airmail, 1930, two 65¢ and a $1.30 Zeppelin (C13 [2], C14), tied by New York duplexes on dual-cacheted Zeppelin cover flown Friedrichshafen-Lakehurst (Mi. 66G), F-VF. Estimate 300 - 400
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Lot 1669 |
  Airmail, 1930, $1.30 Graf Zeppelin (C14), Very Fine, Washington, D.C. First Day cancel on U.S.-cacheted Zeppelin cover Lakehurst-Seville, addressed to Philip Ward, F-VF. Scott $1,100
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Lot 1670 |
  Airmail, 1930, $1.30 Graf Zeppelin (C14), tied by New York machine cancels, June 2, 1930 on dual-cacheted return flight Zeppelin cover (Mi 68 Gb), backstamped Friedrichshafen June 6 and green New York return Zeppelin mail postmark June 18. Estimate 200 - 300
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Lot 1671 |
  Airmail, 1930, $2.60 Graf Zeppelin (C15), on dual-cacheted cover flown Friedrichshafen-Lakehurst, backstamped, F-VF. Scott $600
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Lot 1672 |
  Airmail, 1930, $2.60 Graf Zeppelin (C15), on dual-cacheted cover flown Friedrichshafen-Lakehurst, backstamped, F-VF. Scott $600
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Lot 1673 |
  Airmail, 1933, 50¢ "Chicago" Zeppelin (C18), New York First Day Cover bearing two pairs, flown Friedrichshafen-Chicago-Seville (Mi. 354C) with German and U.S. cachets; top stamp slightly damaged where it extends beyond edge of cover, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate 150 - 200
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