Other Prominent Americans |
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Lot 1085 |
Barton, Clara (1821-1912), teacher, nurse, and humanitarian responsible for the organization of the American Branch of the International Red Cross. Autograph Letter Signed, eight pages, 5 x 8, Dansville, New York, August 24, 1881. To S.R. Barton, her brother, Worcester, Mass., on "The Red Cross of the International Convention of Geneva…Office of Clara Barton, American Representative" letterhead, Garfield's assassination set back the ratification of the Geneva treaty for the Red Cross:
"…I went to Washington the last of July, and only left for home the day the President was shot, four months of very hard work, but successful, if it were not for the uncertainty of the changes which I suppose now, must come. The present Administration is fully pledged to my work, but it may require to be done over again, but if so, there is a prospect that it may be done in this state, as N.Y. will no doubt be the cornerstone of the government after the change— a dreadful thing! I could see some purpose in the wounding, but can see none in the death of Mr. Garfield, it is all dark beyond!"
Matching envelope front (small faults), paper mounted (barely encroaching signature) on typed exhibition page (10 x 13¾). Fine. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
A fascinating letter concerning the organization of the American Red Cross and controversy and infighting in reference to the ratification of the Treaty of Geneva for the International Red Cross. Since her return to the U.S. from Geneva in 1873, Clara Barton had been trying to get the President to sign it. In 1880, the American Red Cross was incorporated with the international organization, but it was not until 1882 that President Chester Arthur actually signed the treaty.
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Lot 1086 |
Blount, William (1749-1800), First and only Governor of the Southwest Territory [later Tennessee] (1790-1795), U.S. Senator from Tennessee (1796-1797). Manuscript Document Signed "Wm. Blount" as Governor of the Southwest Territory, one page, 7¾ x 12¾ Knoxville, July 15, 1795. Pay warrant headed "William Blount Governor in and over the Territory of the United States south of the river Ohio" to pay one William Rickard, "Pay Master pro tem to the Troops in the Territory aforesaid…for the pay of a Detachment of Mounted Infantry of Mero District, Colonel James Ford's Regiment under the command of Cornet James Taylor, from the tenth of September through the twenty seventh of September 1794…", intact paper seal, receipted by Rickard on verso; some splitting of horizontal folds, otherwise Very Fine with clear bold text. Estimate 750 - 1,000
Blount was expelled from the Senate for devising a plan to incite the Creek and Cherokee to aid the British in attacking Spanish-controlled West Florida. He was the first person ever to be expelled from Congress and the only Senator ever expelled for offenses unrelated to Civil War.
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Lot 1087 |
Byrd, Richard (1888-1957), U.S. admiral, aviator, and polar explorer, led 1st successful expedition to fly over South Pole (1929). Inscribed Signed Photograph, 8 x 10, overall 11 x 14, inscribed "To J.W. Warnsley with best wishes, R.E. Byrd, N.Y. City, Sept. 12, 1928". Few minor extraneous marks, Fine. Estimate 500 - 750
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Lot 1088 |
Calvert, Charles, 3rd Lord Baltimore (1637-1715), Second Proprietary Governor of Maryland (1675-1689), Deputy Governor to his father, Cacilius (1661-1675). Manuscript Document Signed as Deputy Governor, Land Grant, one page, vellum, Baltimore, February 24, 1662, Very Good condition with some deterioration of large wafer seal. Estimate 400 - 500
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Lot 1089 |
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. (1841-1935), U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1902-1932), fought in Civil War and wounded three times. Annotated Photograph Signed, "Oliver Wendell Holmes, September 29,1932", handsome Bachrach Studio portrait taken several years earlier, 8¼ x 11 on backing board (image size 7¼ x 9¼); minor flaking in top blank margin and insignificant abrasion at bottom affecting "te" of "September", still Very Fine. Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
Expertization: 2002 Rendell Certificate of Authenticity.
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Lot 1090 |
King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1829-1968), Baptist minister, civil rights leader and political activist, winner of Nobel Prize for Peace (1964), assassinated. Signed Baseball, nice signature, "Martin L King Jr.", in black ink on the sweet spot of an Official American League ball (Joe Cronin, Pres.), above, in another hand, is the date "Aug. 19, 1960"; the ball appears to be game used [the Senators were at home against the Yankees on that date] and is in Very Fine condition in a lucite ball holder. Estimate 15,000 - 20,000
Expertization: Certificates of Authenticity from Stat Authentic (Ted Taylor & Jeff Stevens, 2006) and PSA/DNA (Herman Darvick).
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Lot 1091 |
Marshall, John (1755-1835), Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (1801-1835), U.S. Congressman from Virginia (1799-1800), Secretary of State (1800-1801), principal founder of the American system of Constitutional Law. Autograph Letter Signed, 1½ pages (with integral blank leaf containing address panel), 6½ x 7¾ Richmond, May 6, 1833. To Benjamin Harrison, Berkley, Charles City, Virginia. Interesting observations on a legal dispute:
"…He (Fisher) returned yesterday afternoon and I immediately showed it to him. He declared at once that he would enter into no communication on the subject of arrangement while any suggestion was made respecting his affair with Heron Linton and Co. He requires that you should have the transaction investigated if you suppose that any advantage can be derived from it. I persume [sic] you have not been informed that it has passed through the court of chancery and court of appeals, and that the decision is in favor of Mr Fisher. The suit was brought by Mr Mason or his representatives. I never looked at the papers and know only that the decision was as I have stated. I believe you are entirely misinformed respecting the effect of any interference on his part in the sale of the lot you mention. But…Mr Fisher requires that you should assert your rights whatever they may be. After these preliminary discussions I urged him on the question to what terms he would accede. He was not willing in the present state of things to express any determinate opinion; but from what I was able to collect I came to the conclusion that four thousand dollars…was the lowest point to which he will consent…I am very sure that he will not adjust the claim on more favorable terms…"
With integral address leaf, straightline "Paid" handstamp and "Richd Va." c.d.s. both in red, small hole caused by opening where wax seal affixed not affecting text, light soiling in places. Fine. Estimate 5,000 - 7,500
Berkeley (Plantation) was the home of the famous Harrison family, which had, among others, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, and two Presidents of the U.S.
The Mr. Mason referred to in the letter is most probably from the famous Mason family of Fairfax County, Va., whose ancestors included George Mason.
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Lot 1092 |
Peale, Rembrandt (1778-1860), American neo-classical painter, known for portraits of prominent Americans such as Washington and Jefferson, son of Charles Willson Peale. Autograph Letter Signed, one page, 6¼ x 8, Philadelphia, June 16, 1858. Peale writes to George Folsom in New York, in part: "…you asked me if I could make for you a Copy of my Father’s Portrait of Washington of 1772 — I replied yes, but not till after I revise it at Arlington. I now write to say that I shall be pleased to furnish you with a Copy…and can immediately begin it to finish it at my leisure, for $120…". Boldly signed and in Fine condition with a couple small tone spots not affecting signature, includes envelope of transmittal with original Blood ’s local stamp replaced. Estimate 1,000 - 1,500
Peale established Peale Museum in Baltimore (1814), was founding member of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (1805) and the National Academy of Design (1826).
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Lot 1093 |
Sterett, Samuel (1758-1833), Maryland Delegate to the 2nd U.S. Congress (1791-1793) during which time he also served as secretary to the Maryland Society for the Abolition of Slavery (1791) and as personal secretary to President of the Congress, Elias Houdini (1792-1793). Document Signed, one page, 7½ x 12½ Baltimore, December 26, 1806. Handsome, partly-printed sworn statement of one F. Kramer that 1,616 bags of coffee, as per two bills of lading, were aboard "the Schooner General Eaton, Caleb P Robinson Master then lying in the harbour of Port au Prince bound for Baltimore, and were actually on board the said Schooner at the time she was captured and carried into Tortola", signed by Sterett as Notary Public. The illustrated document features an eagle design and Sterett's intact paper notary seal featuring a three-masted ship. Estimate 400 - 600
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