Lot 1100

1886 (28 July) envelope from Frankfurt to "Ti-Tchouan, Pro Ho-nan China" via Brindisi (31.7) and Hong Kong (6.9) redirected to Hankow (14.9), bearing Pfennig 20pf ultramarine, cancelled by c.d.s., endorsed "Not in Hankow" and "Rebut" handstamp, the letter subsequently returned to sender, British "Hankow/A" (27.11) despatch c.d.s., Hong Kong/A" (18.1.87) and "Shanghae/A" (15.1.87) transit c.d.s. and "Frankfurt a Main" arrival c.d.s. (22.5), possibly carried on the second trip of the "Neckar", Very Fine and unusual "returned" cover. Estimate 400 - 500
Realized $1,700 |