Lot 169

1776 (Sep. 19) Ship Mole. to Philadelphia Va. via Hampton, datelined private ship letter posted with manuscript "Hampton" postmark and matching "5 - 8" rating, Philadephia red manuscript "2/5"; soiling, Fine, the published 5 dwt 8 gr rate from Hampton to Philadelphia (1.8 dwt Hampton to Williamsburg, plus 4 dwt to Philadelphia), rated 2 shillings 5 pence in local currency (27d postage plus 2d carrier fee). Estimate 1,500 - 2,000
The letter reads in part: "There was a little pilot boat from your place Capt. Douglass taken within a league of our point and indeed in view of this place, there was a 36 Gun Frigate here at Anchor & a Coast Guard who shipped their cables and are in pursuit of the prize and the English Cruisers thats of here, this affair wears every serious appearance and may be productive of agreeable consequences to America or every person who enjoys any place under the King in demonstrating against the insults that are committing on this Coast by the English and theres no doubt at last but they will have some Effect. The frigate is not yet Returned and will have satisfaction before she does, what this will produce I shall Let you Know shortly. We are every day in Expectation of the Arrival of a considerable Land & Naval force from france".
Realized $1,600 |