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Sale 311
Canada and Provinces
November 11, 2006
Highlights of the Sale
Prices Realized
Table of Contents
Lots 2001-2001
Printing Contract for Canada's First Stamps
Lots 2002-2009
Pence Issue Proofs
Lots 2010-2015
Pence Issues 1851 Issue
Lots 2016-2031
Pence Issues 1852-59 Issues
Lots 2032-2051
Pence Period Postal History
Lots 2052-2062
1859 Decimal Issue Proofs
Lots 2063-2069
1859 Decimal Issue Stamps & Postal History
Lots 2070-2077
1868-76 Large Queens
Lots 2078-2083
Large Queens Postal History
Lots 2084-2095
1870-93 Small Queens
Lots 2096-2104
Small Queens Postal History
Lots 2105-2123
1897 Victoria Jubilee Issue
Lots 2124-2129
1897-98 "Maple Leaf" Issue
Lots 2130-2141
1898-1902 "Numerals"
Lots 2142-2156
1903-08 Edward VII
Lots 2157-2169
1908 Quebec Tercentenary
Lots 2170-2198
1911-25 Admiral Issue
Lots 2199-2209
1917-27 Issues
Lots 2210-2220
1928-29 Scroll Issue
Lots 2221-2246
1930-50 Issues
Lots 2247-2254
Modern Errors
Lots 2255-2271
Airmails & Back-Of-The-Book
Lots 2272-2272
British Columbia & Vancouver Island
Lots 2273-2279
New Brunswick
Lots 2280-2291
New Brunswick Postal History
Lots 2292-2324
Lots 2325-2330
Newfoundland Postal History
Lots 2331-2346
Nova Scotia
Lots 2347-2359
Nova Scotia Postal History
Lots 2360-2364
Prince Edward Island
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