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Sale 353
U.S. and Worldwide
Stamps, Collections and Accumulations
December 11-12, 2015
Table of Contents
Sale Location
Sale Features
Highlights of the Sale
Prices Realized
Sale Location
The New Yorker Hotel, Herald Square Suite, 481 8th Avenue, New York City
New York City phone number Dec. 9-12, 9am to 5pm: 646-293-1646
Sale Features
A PDF of the entire sale is available:
Lots 1-550
134 pages
4.6 megabytes
Table of Contents
Session 1: Collections and U.S. Part 1
Friday, December 11, 2015, beginning at 11:00 a.m.
Collections & Accumulations
Lots 1-10
U.S. General Collections
Lots 11-29
Specialized Collections
Lots 30-32
Cancellations & Postal History
Lots 33-33
U.S & Foreign Collections
Foreign Country Collections
Lots 34-46
Canada through Worldwide
Lots 47-48
Coin Collections & Accumulations
Lots 49-54
United States
United States Stamps
Lots 55-62
Postmasters' Provisionals
Lots 63-68
1847 Issue
Lots 69-78
1851-57 Issue
Lots 79-88
1857-61 Issue
Lots 89-92
1875 Reprints of the 1857 Issue
Lots 93-102
1861-66 Issues
Lots 103-109
1867 Grilled Issues
Lots 110-117
1875 Re-issue of the 1861-66 Issues
Lots 118-119
1869 Pictorial Issue
Lots 120-125
1875 Re-issue of the 1869 Pictorial Issue
Lots 126-131
1870-71 National Bank Note Co. Issues
Lots 132-140
1873-75 Continental Bank Note Co. Issue
Lots 141-144
1879 American Bank Note Co. Issue
Lots 145-151
1881-88 American Bank Note Co. Issues
Lots 152-154
1890 Issue
Lots 155-159
1893 Columbian Issue
Lots 160-169
1894 Unwatermarked Bureau Issue
Lots 170-175
1895 Watermarked Issue
Lots 176-177
1898 Trans-Mississippi Issue
Lots 178-180
1901 Pan-American Issue
Lots 181-191
1902-08 Regular Issues
Lots 192-197
1908-10 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL Watermark
Lots 198-201
1909 Bluish Paper Issue
Lots 202-205
1909 Commemorative Issues
Lots 206-213
1910-14 Washington-Franklin Issues, SL Watermark
Lots 214-225
1914-15 Washington-Franklin Issue, SL Watermark, Perf.10
Lots 226-235
1916-19 Washington-Franklin Issue, Unwatermarked, Perf. 10
Lots 236-244
1917-19 Washington-Franklin Issue, Perf. 11
Lots 245-254
1918-1923 Issues
Session 2: U.S. Part 2 and Worldwide
Saturday, December 12, 2015, beginning at 11:00 a.m.
United States Stamps
Lots 255-271
1922-25 Regular Issue
Lots 272-289
Balance of the Twentieth Century
Lots 290-294
Lots 295-304
Postage Dues
Lots 305-310
Offices in China
Lots 311-311
Local Posts
Lots 312-338
Lots 339-380
Officials - 1875 Special Printing with Specimen Overprints
Lots 381-414
Newspaper Stamps
Lots 415-415
Parcel Post
Lots 416-467
Postal Stationery
Lots 468-469
Postal Cards
British Empire
Lots 470-525
Lots 526-532
Lots 533-534
Nova Scotia
Europe, Asia and Latin America
Lots 535-535
Lots 536-536
Manchurian Provinces
Lots 537-542
China (People's Republic)
Lots 543-546
Lots 547-549
Lots 550-550
Go to lot:
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