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Sale 364
U.S. and Canada
Stamps and Collections
September 9-10, 2022
Highlights of the Sale
Prices Realized
Table of Contents
Session 1: U.S. Stamps
Friday, Sep. 9, 2022, starting at 10:30 AM
Lots 1-17
1846-1860 Issues
Lots 18-27
1861-1867 Issues
Lots 28-34
1869 Pictorial Issue
Lots 35-57
1870-1890 Bank Note Co. Issues
Lots 58-77
1893 Columbian Issue
Lots 78-102
1894-1898 Bureau Issues
Lots 103-117
1898 Trans-Mississippi Issue
Lots 118-133
1901 Pan-American Issue
Lots 134-147
1902-06 Regular Issues
Lots 148-159
1904 -1907 Commemorative Issues
Lots 160-186
1908-1911 Washington-Franklin Issues
Lots 187-197
1913-1915 Panama-Pacific Issue
Lots 198-252
1912-1920 Washington-Franklin Issues
Lots 253-262
1922-1925 Regular Issue
Lots 263-292
1923-1934 Issues
Session 2: U.S. and Canada Stamps and Collections
Saturday, Sep. 10, 2022, starting at 10:30 AM
Lots 293-305
Lots 306-310
Special Delivery
Lots 311-312
Postage Due
Lots 313-314
Offices in China
Lots 315-317
Lots 318-324
Parcel Post
Lots 325-412
Postal Stationery
Lots 413-413
Lots 414-414
U.S. Possessions
Lots 415-423
Canal Zone
Canada and Provinces
Lots 424-431
Canadian Provinces
Lots 432-491
U.S. Groups and Collections
Lots 492-524
U.S. Groups
Lots 525-537
U.S. Collections
Lots 538-540
U.S. Face Value Lots
Lots 541-543
Canal Zone Collections
Canada Groups and Collections
Lots 544-548
Canada Groups
Lots 549-550
Canada Collections
Go to lot:
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